автор: Hannah Whittock

Hannah Whittock read Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic at Cambridge University, graduating with a First, and completing an MPhil in Anglo-Saxon history in 2012. She is the co-author (with her father) of The Viking Blitzkrieg AD789-1098 (2013) and The Anglo-Saxon Avon Valley Frontier (2014). She now works for the devolved Welsh government.

4 Электронные книги Hannah Whittock

Martyn Whittock & Hannah, Hannah Whittock Whittock: 1018 and 1066
The Norman Conquest of 1066 and the Viking Conquest by Cnut in 1016 both had huge impacts on the history of England and yet ‘1066’ has eclipsed ‘1016’ in popular culture. This book challenges that …
Martyn Whittock: The Viking Blitzkrieg
If the Viking Wars had not taken place, would there have been a united England in the tenth century? Martyn Whittock believes not, arguing that without them there would have been no rise of the …
Martyn Whittock & Hannah Whittock: The Vikings
The popular image of the Vikings is of tall red-headed men, raping and pillaging their way around the coast of Europe, stopping only to ransack monasteries and burn longships. But the violent Vikings …
Martin Whittock & Hannah Whittock: Los vikingos
La imagen popular de los vikingos es la de un pueblo de hombres altos y pelirrojos, feroces y audaces, que recorrían las costas de Europa deteniéndose únicamente para saquear monasterios y prender …