This book provides an invaluable introduction to inter-vehicular
communications, demonstrating the networking and communication
technologies for reducing fatalities, improving transportation
efficiency, and minimising environmental impact.
This book addresses the applications and technical aspects of
radio-based vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure
communication that can be established by short- and medium range
communication based on wireless local area network technology
(primarily IEEE 802.11). It contains a coherent treatment of the
important topics and technologies contributed by leading experts in
the field, covering the potential applications for and their
requirements on the communications system. The authors cover
physical and medium access control layer issues with focus on IEEE
802.11-based systems, and show how many of the applications benefit
when information is efficiently disseminated, and the techniques
that provide attractive data aggregation (also includes design of
the corresponding middleware). The book also considers issues such
as IT-security (means and fundamental trade-off between security
and privacy), current standardization activities such as IEEE
802.11p, and the IEEE 1609 standard series.
Key Features:
* Covers the state-of-the-art in the field of vehicular
inter-networks such as safety and efficiency applications, physical
and medium access control layer issues, middleware, and
* Shows how vehicular networks differ from other mobile networks
and illustrates the idea of vehicle-to-vehicle communications with
application scenarios and with current proofs of concept
* Addresses current standardization activities such as IEEE
802.11p and the IEEE 1609 standard series
* Offers a chapter on mobility models and their use for
simulation of vehicular inter-networks
* Provides a coherent treatment of the important topics and
technologies contributed by leading academic and industry experts
in the field
This book provides a reference for professional automotive
technologists (OEMS and suppliers), professionals in the area of
Intelligent Transportation Systems, and researchers attracted to
the field of wireless vehicular communications. Third and fourth
year undergraduate and graduate students will also find this book
of interest.
For additional information please visit
About the Editors.
List of Contributors.
1 Introduction (Hannes Hartenstein and Kenneth P. Laberteaux).
1.1 Basic Principles and Challenges.
1.2 Past and Ongoing VANET Activities.
1.3 Chapter Outlines.
1.4 References.
2 Cooperative Vehicular Safety Applications (Derek Caveney).
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 Enabling Technologies.
2.3 Cooperative System Architecture.
2.4 Mapping for Safety Applications.
2.5 VANET-enabled Active Safety Applications.
2.6 References.
3 Information Dissemination in VANETs (Christian Lochert, Björn Scheuermann and Martin Mauve).
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 Obtaining Local Measurements.
3.3 Information Transport.
3.4 Summarizing Measurements.
3.5 Geographical Data Aggregation.
3.6 Conclusion.
3.7 References.
4 VANET Convenience and Efficiency Applications (Martin Mauve and Björn Scheruermann).
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 Limitations.
4.3 Applications.
4.4 Communication Paradigms.
4.5 Probabilistic, Area-based Aggregation.
4.6 Travel Time Aggregation.
4.7 Conclusion.
4.8 References.
5 Vehicular Mobility Modeling for VANETs (Jérôme Härri).
5.1 Introduction.
5.2 Notation Description.
5.3 Random Models.
5.4 Flow Models.
5.5 Traffic Models.
5.6 Behavioral Models.
5.7 Trace or Survey-based Models.
5.8 Integration with Network Simulators.
5.9 A Design Framework for Realistic Vehicular Mobility Models.
5.10 Discussion and Outlook.
5.11 Conclusion.
5.12 References.
6 Physical Layer Considerations for Vehicular Communications (Ian Tan and Ahmad Bahai).
6.1 Standards Overview.
6.2 Previous Work.
6.3 Wireless Propagation Theory.
6.4 Channel Metrics.
6.5 Measurement Theory.
6.6 Emperical Channel Characterization at 5.9 GHz.
6.7 Future Directions.
6.8 Conclusion.
6.9 Appendix: Deterministic Multipath Channel Derivations.
6.10 Appendix: LTV Channel Response.
6.11 Appendix: Measurement Theory Details.
6.12 References.
7 MAC Layer and Scalability Aspects of Vehicular Communication Networks (Jens Mittag, Felix Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Moritz Killat, Marc Torrent-Moreno and Hannes Hartenstein).
7.1 Introduction: Challenges and Requirements.
7.2 A Survey on Proposed MAC Approaches for VANETs.
7.3 Communication Based on IEEE 802.11p.
7.4 Performance Evaluation and Modeling.
7.5 Aspects of Congestion Control.
7.6 Open Issues and Outlook.
7.7 References.
8 Efficient Application Level Message Coding and Composition (Craig L Robinson).
8.1 Introduction to the Application Environment.
8.2 Message Dispatcher.
8.3 Example Applications.
8.4 Data Sets.
8.5 Predictive Coding.
8.6 Architecture Analysis.
8.7 Conclusion.
8.8 References.
9 Data Security in Vehicular Communication Networks (AndréWeimerskirch, Jason J Haas, Yih-Chun Hu and Kenneth P Laberteaux).
9.1 Introduction.
9.2 Challenges of Data Security in Vehicular Networks.
9.3 Network, Applications, and Adversarial Model.
9.4 Security Infrastructure.
9.5 Cryptographic Protocols.
9.6 Privacy Protection Mechanisms.
9.7 Implementation Aspects.
9.8 Outlook and Conclusions.
9.9 References.
10 Standards and Regulations (John B Kenney).
10.1 Introduction.
10.2 Layered Architecture for VANETs.
10.3 DSRC Regulations.
10.4 DSRC Physical Layer Standard.
10.5 DSRC Data Link Layer Standard (MAC and LLC).
10.6 DSRC Middle Layers.
10.7 DSRC Message Sublayer.
10.8 Summary.
10.9 Abbreviations and Acronyms.
10.10 References.
Об авторе
Hannes Hartenstein is a professor for decentralized systems
and network services at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
(KIT), Germany, which is formed by the KIT Steinbuch centre for
Computing. Prior to joining the University of Karlsruhe, he was a
senior research staff member with NEC Europe. He was NEC’s project
leader (2001-03) for the ‘Fleet Net — Internet on the Road’ project
partly funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research
(BMBF), and involved in the ‘NOW: Network on Wheels’ project
(2004-08), also funded by BMBF. He is currently actively
participating in the EU FP7 project PRE-DRIVE-C2X. He was General
Co-Chair of the ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Ad-Hoc
Networks (VANET) in 2005, technical co-chair of ACM VANET in 2006,
technical co-chair of the IEEE chair of the IFIP/IEEE Conference on
Wireless On-Demand Network Systems and Services (WONS) in 2008. He
is a member of he scientific directorate of the center for
Informatics, Schloss Dagstuhl. His research interests include
mobile networks, virtual networks, and IT management. he holds a
diploma in mathematics and a doctoral degree in computer science,
both from Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat, Freiburg, Germany.
Kenneth P Laberteaux is a senior principal research
engineer for the Toyota Technical Center in Ann Arbor, MI. His
research focus is information-rich vehicular safety systems,
focusing on architecture, security, and protocol design for
vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside wireless communication.
He was a founder and two-year (2004-05) general co-chair of the
highly selective, international Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET)
workshop. He serves as the architect and technical lead for
communications research within a multi-year, multi-million dollar
Vehicle Safety Communications-Applications collaboration project
between the US government and several automotive companies. he
completed his MSc (1996) and Ph D (2000) degrees in electrical
engineering at the University of Notre Dame, Focusing on adaptive
control for communications. In 1992, he received his BSE (summa cum
laude) in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor.