A flexi textbook that contains information on all the major body and ear acupuncture points, as well as an extensive coverage of trigger points. The text is augmented by 126 illustrations pertaining to body acupuncture, 48 illustrations on ear acupuncture, and 114 illustrations on trigger points. The description of each point includes:
exact location
depth of needling
function in TCM
The different schools of ear acupuncture (e.g., Chinese vs. Nogier), often a source of confusion for many practitioners, are presented side-by-side.
While the terminology of the points follows Chinese standards for acupuncture, the body parts are named following up-to-date anatomical nomenclature, and the description of trigger points also mentions the respective muscle and pain projection zones.
Illustrations include color photographs and clear full-color drawings.
<p><strong>Part 1: Body Acupuncture Points</strong><br>The Lung Channel<br>The Large Intestine Channel<br>The Stomach Channel<br>The Spleen Channel<br>The Heart Channel<br>The Small Intestine Channel<br>The Bladder Channel<br>The Kidney Channel<br>The Pericardium Channel<br>The Triple Warmer Channel<br>The Gall Bladder Channel<br>The Liver Channel<br>The Conception Vessel (Ren Mai)<br>The Governor Vessel (Du Mai)<br>The Extra Points<br><strong>Part 2: Ear Acupuncture Points</strong><br>Anatomy of the Outer Ear (Auricula)<br>Zones of Auricular Innervation According to Nogier<br>Zones of Auricular Innervation According to Durinjan<br>Topography of Reflex Zones<br>Points on the Lobule According to Chinese Nomenclature<br>Points on the Lobule According to Nogier<br>Points on the Tragus According to Chinese Nomenclature<br>Points on the Tragus According to Nogier and Bahr<br>Points on the Intertragic Notch According to Chinese Nomenclature<br>Points on the Intertragic Notch According to Nogier<br>Points on the Antitragus According to Chinese Nomenclature<br>Points on the Antitragus According to Nogier<br>Projection of the Skeleton According to Nogier<br>Projection Zones of the Spinal Column According to Nogier<br>Plexus Points in the Concha According to Nogier<br>Points in the Triangular Fossa According to Chinese Nomenclature<br>Points on the Ascending Helix According to Chinese Nomenclature<br>Points on the Helix According to Nogier<br>Covered Points on the Helix According to Nogier<br>Projection Zones of Internal Organs According to Chinese Nomenclature<br>Projection Zones of the Internal Organs According to Nogier<br>Energy and Treatment Lines on the Auricula<br><strong>Part 3: Trigger Points</strong><br>Definition of Trigger Points<br>Temporal Muscle<br>Masseter Muscle<br>Lateral Pterygoid Muscle<br>Trapezius Muscle<br>Short Muscles of the Neck (Rectus Capitis Posterior Major and Minor Muscles, Superior and Inferior Oblique Muscles of the Head)<br>Splenius Muscle of Head<br>Anterior, Middle, and Posterior Scalene Muscles<br>Trigger Points of the Scalene Muscle<br>Levator Muscle of Scapula<br>Sternocleidomastoid Muscle<br>Subclavius Muscle<br>Trigger Points of the Subclavius Muscle<br>Greater Pectoral Muscle<br>Smaller Pectoral Muscle<br>Smaller and Greater Rhomboid Muscle<br>Supraspinatus Muscle<br>Infraspinatus Muscle<br>Subscapular Muscle<br>Long Radial Extensor Muscle of Wrist<br>Supinator Muscle<br>Trigger Points of the Supinator Muscle<br>Extensor Muscle of Fingers<br>Iliac Muscle<br>Pronator Teres Muscle<br>Trigger Points of the Pronator Teres Muscle<br>Superficial Flexor Muscle of Fingers<br>Trigger Points of the Superficial Flexor Muscle of the Fingers<br>Superficial Flexor Muscle of Fingers<br>Important Acupuncture Points and their Localizations<br>External Oblique Muscle of Abdomen<br>Trigger Points of the External Oblique Muscle of the Abdomen<br>External Oblique Muscle of Abdomen<br>Greater Psoas Muscle<br>Quadratus Lumborum Muscle<br>Gluteus Maximus Muscle<br>Trigger Points of the Gluteus Maximus Muscle<br>Acupuncture Points of the Gluteus Maximus Muscle<br>Gluteus Medius Muscle<br>Therapy of Trigger Points<br>Trigger Points of the Gluteus Medius Muscle<br>Gluteus Minimus Muscle<br>Trigger and Acupuncture Points of the Gluteus Minimus Muscle<br>Piriformis Muscle<br>Trigger and Acupuncture Points of the Piriformis Muscle<br>Quadriceps Femoris Muscle<br>Trigger Points of the Quadriceps Femoris Muscle<br>Quadriceps Femoris Muscle<br>Trigger Points of the Quadriceps Femoris Muscle<br>Quadriceps Femoris Muscle<br>Trigger and Acupuncture Points of the Quadriceps Femoris Muscle<br>Quadriceps Femoris Muscle<br>Hamstring Muscles (Biceps Muscle of Thigh, Semimembranosus Muscle, Semitendinosus Muscle)<br>Gracilis Muscle<br>Tensor Muscle of the Fascia Lata<br>Gastrocnemius Muscle<br>Anterior Tibial Muscle</p>