автор: Helen Webster

Helen L. Webster first became involved in the treatment and education of family violence in 1982. Over this span of time, she spent thirteen years as an anger management therapist in Calgary, Canada, working with the extremely violent patients as well as victims of abuse. This led to the publication of her first book, Taming the Dragon, anger management for three-to-eight-year-olds. In working with the violent, Webster learned and was privy to many stories about family violence and abuse in the home. She made a decision. She would take all the pain and grief the participants shared with her over the years and write a book about what it is really like when men, women, and children are caught up in a cycle of violence. If you or the ones you love find yourself relating to the fictional characters (done to conceal the identity of those involved in this story), then it is imperative that you seek help. Contact a shelter in your area.

6 Электронные книги Helen Webster

Helen Webster: Taming the Dragon Series
There Is No Rainbow is a fictionalized account of what happens to a twelve-year-old boy growing up in a violent home. The characters are fictional, but all the violent incidents are true. They depict …
Helen Webster & Paul Webster: Scottish Island Bagging
Scottish Island Bagging by Helen and Paul Webster, founders of Walkhighlands, is a guide to the magical islands of Scotland. Focusing on the ninety-nine islands that have regular trips or means of ac …
Helen Webster & Paul Webster: Skye Trail
This guidebook describes the challenging 80-mile (128km) Skye Trail, a week-long trek across the magical Isle of Skye, the largest island in Scotland’s Inner Hebrides. As yet unwaymarked, the route d …
Helen Webster: Fun With Art
If you wish you knew a bit more about making fantastic arty things then look no further! Fun With Art will show you the basics of drawing and painting as well as brilliant new techniques, such as how …
Paul Webster & Helen Webster: Great Scottish Walks
Great Scottish Walks by Helen and Paul Webster, founders of Walkhighlands, is a comprehensive guide to the 26 best long-distance hiking trails in Scotland. Whether you’re keen to experience classic t …
Helen Webster & Paul Webster: The Skye Trail
Guidebook to the Skye Trail, a challenging 80-mile (128km) trek that snakes its way north–south across the Isle of Skye. This unofficial, week-long route is ideal for backpacking, camping wild each n …