Henry K. Miller is a Sight and Sound critic and editor of The Essential Raymond Durgnat. His research has been published in journals including the Hitchcock Annual and Screen.
4 Электронные книги Henry K. Miller
Henry K. Miller: The First True Hitchcock
Hitchcock’s previously untold origin story . Alfred Hitchcock called The Lodger ‘the first true Hitchcock movie, ‘ the one that anticipated all the others. And yet the story of how The Lodger ca …
Raymond Durgnat: A Long Hard Look at »Psycho»
Upon its release in 1960, Alfred Hitchcock»s Psycho divided critical opinion, with several leading film critics condemning Hitchcock»s apparent encouragement of the audience»s identification with …
Henry K. Miller: The Essential Raymond Durgnat
Raymond durgnat was a maverick voice during the golden age of film criticism. From the French new Wave and the rise of auteurism, through the late 1960s counter-culture, to the rejuvenated Hollywood …
Henry K. Miller: The Essential Raymond Durgnat
Raymond durgnat was a maverick voice during the golden age of film criticism. From the French new Wave and the rise of auteurism, through the late 1960s counter-culture, to the rejuvenated Hollywood …