Rui PENG is a Ph.D supervisor in School of Economics & Management, Beijing University of Technology. His research interests include system reliability, maintenance and defence. He has published more than 90 SCI-indexed journal papers in renowned journals, such as IIE Transactions, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Reliability Engineering & System Safety. He is an IEEE senior member, an editorial board member of Reliability Engineering & System Safety, a highly cited Chinese Scholar recognized by Elsevier, and selected into the Beijing Nova Program of Science & Technology.
Qingqing Zhai is an Assistant Professor in School of Management, Shanghai University. His research interests include system reliability modeling and residual life estimation. He has published more than 20 journal papers in renowned journals such as Risk Analysis, European Journal of Operational Research, etc.
Jun Yang is a professor in School of Reliability and System Engineering, Beihang University. His research interests include system reliability, system residual life estimation and system maintenance. He has published more than 60 journal papers and led quite a few NSFC projects.
2 Электронные книги Heping Jia
Rui Peng & Qingqing Zhai: Reliability Modelling and Optimization of Warm Standby Systems
This book introduces the reliability modelling and optimization of warm standby systems. Warm standby is an attractive redundancy technique, as it consumes less energy than hot standby and switches i …
Heping Jia & Xuanyuan Wang: Business Models and Reliable Operation of Virtual Power Plants
This book focuses on the business operation of virtual power plants. Both of the business models and reliable operation of virtual power plants have been addressed with engineering practices. This is …