Journey to the heart of the sea with this larger-than-life classic.
Regarded as a Great American Novel, Moby Dick is the ultimate tale of seeking vengeance.
Narrated by the crew member Ishmael, this epic whaling adventure follows the crew of the Pequod, as its captain, Ahab, descends deeper and deeper into madness on his quest to find and kill the white whale that maimed him. Beyond the surface—of ship life, whaling, and the hunt for the elusive Moby Dick—are allegorical references to life—and even the universe—in this masterpiece by Herman Melville.
Complete and unabridged, this edition features a new introduction by Christopher Mc Bride.
The Knickerbocker Classics bring together the works of classic authors from around the world in stunning gift editions to be collected and enjoyed. Complete and unabridged, these elegantly designed cloth-bound hardcovers feature a slipcase and ribbon marker, as well as a comprehensive introduction providing the reader with enlightening information on the author’s life and works.
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Christopher Mc Bride holds a Ph D in English from Claremont Graduate University and has taught writing and literature at a number of colleges. He writes about nineteenth- and twentieth-century American literature with an emphasis on travel writers.