Common European Legal Thinking emanates from the existence of a shared European legal culture as especially reflected in the existence of a common European constitutional law. It denotes a body of individual constitutional principles – written and unwritten – that represent the common heritage of the constitutions of the Member States. Taking into account the two major European organisations, the Council of Europe and especially the European Union, the essays of this Festschrift discuss a range of constitutional principles, including the rule of law, democracy, and the exercise of political power in a multilevel system which recognises fundamental rights as directly applicable and supreme law. Other essays examine the value of pluralism, the commitment of private organisations to uphold public values, principles or rules, and the objectives and methods of a transnational science of administrative law. These articles highlight the fact that the Ius Publicum Europaeum Commune is “politically” in the making, which can often be seen in the shape of general legal principles. The publication recognises the role of Albrecht Weber as a forerunner of Common European Legal Thinking.
Fernández Segado, James Otis and The Writs of Assistance Case (1761).- Cruz Villalón, European “Essentials”: A Contribution to Contemporary Constitutional Culture.- Arnold, Common Legal Thinking in European Constitutionalism: Some Reflections.- Cromme, A Perspective of EU Constitutional Law.- Tomuschat, One State, one Seat, one Vote? Accommodating Sovereign Equality to International Organizations.- Constantinesco, La Conciliation entre la Primauté du Droit de l’Union Européenne et l’Identité Nationale des Etats Membres: Mission Impossible ou Espoir Raisonné?.- Starck, International Law, Law of the European Union and National Constitutional Law.- Klein, Who amends the German Basic Law? The EU’s influence on equal rights for same-sex registered civil partners in German jurisprudence.- Vidal Prado, Multilevel Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe: the Case of Spain.- Cardoso da Costa, The Portuguese Constitution and European Union law.- Fromont, L’Allemagne, la France et l’Union Européenne: Dialogue ou Duel des Juges Constitutionnels?.- Häde, Die Rechtsprechung zur Euro-Krise.- Galetta, General Principles of EU Law as Evidence of the Development of a Common European Legal Thinking: the Example of the Proportionality Principle (from the Italian Perspective).- Blanke/Böttner, The Democratic Deficit in the Economic Governance of the European Union.- Müller-Graff, The Role of Fundamental Rights in the EU Federal Community of Law.- Stern, The Binding Force and Field of Application of the Fundamental Rights Enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.- Garlicki, The Strasbourg Court on Issues of Religion in the Public Schools System.- Renoux, Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism: How to reconcile the irreconcilable? The French method.- Eichendorfer, Social Policy and Human Rights.- Mokrosch/Regenbogen, Can Values Education Promote Cohesion in Europe?.- Spieker, The Legal Language of the Culture of Death in Europe.- Zehetner, What Do we Mean by Ethics in Finance?.- Horspool, The Importance and Impact of the Language Regime of the European Union on its Law.- Ziller, Multilingualism and its Consequences in European Union Law.- Nicolás Muñiz, Salvador de Madariaga’s Federalism: A Two-Part Look at the European Integration and Spain’s Decentralization.- Delpérée, European Belgium.- Luther, The Institution of the Italian Senate under Reform: Sacrifice or Self-Reflection?.- von Borries, Romania’s Accession to the European Union: The Rule of Law Dilemma.- Strohmeier/Spichtinger, Dealing with Data — Legislative Challenges and Opportunities for the Digital Single Market from the Perspective of Research.- Sommermann, Objectives and Methods of a Transnational Science of Administrative Law.- Barnés Vázquez, New Frontiers of Administrative Law: A Functional and Multi-Disciplinary Approach.