Prof. Dr. Reza Ardakanian is the Founding Director of United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). He served as Director of the UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development hosted by UNU (2007–2015) and as Vice-Rector of UNU in Europe, ad interim (2009–2011). He sat on the Boards of various international programmes/organisations such as UNESCO-IHP, UNESCO-IHE, the International Hydropower Association, and UNU-EHS. Prof. Dr. Ardakanian holds a Ph D in Water Resources Management from Mc Master University (Canada) and is a faculty member of Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. He formerly held a number of national offices in Iran, including Deputy Minister for Water Affairs (2001–2005), Senior Vice-Minister (1998–2001) and Deputy Minister for Planning & Economic Affairs (1989–1991) with the Ministry of Energy, and Deputy Minister for Urban Development and Municipalities with the Ministry of Interior (1987–1989).
Dr. Hiroshan Hettiarachchi is a civil engineer specialised in geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering. He joined United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) as Academic Officer and leads the Waste Management unit. He previously served as Associate Professor at Lawrence Technological University, USA. Dr. Hettiarachchi’s past research is mainly focused on geotechnical aspects of landfills and properties and behaviour of geomaterials. He holds a Ph D in Civil Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA.
6 Электронные книги Hiroshan Hettiarachchi
Hiroshan Hettiarachchi & Reza Ardakanian: Environmental Resource Management and the Nexus Approach
This book elaborates how water, soil, and waste may be managed in a nexus and how this approach may help combat global change. In addition to providing a brief account on nexus thinking and how it ma …
Hiroshan Hettiarachchi & Reza Ardakanian: Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture
This book offers a broad and global level description of the current status of wastewater use in agriculture and then brings the readers to various places in the MENA Region and Europe to explain how …
Serena Caucci & Hiroshan Hettiarachchi: Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking
Organic waste composting is another excellent example to demonstrate the power and the benefits of nexus thinking. Even though organic waste composting itself is not a new topic, those who want to st …
B. B. Das & Hiroshan Hettiarachchi: Recent Developments in Sustainable Infrastructure (ICRDSI-2020)—GEO-TRA-ENV-WRM
This book includes selected papers from the International Conference on Recent Developments in Sustainable Infrastructure (ICRDSI-2020) and consists of themes pertaining to geotechnical engineering, …
Hiroshan Hettiarachchi & Shyama V. Ramani: SDG11, Sustainable Cities and Communities
This book explores Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, providing insights into viable pathways and policy designs for a transition towards sustainable, inclusive and resilient cities.The volume di …
Hiroshan Hettiarachchi & Shyama V. Ramani: SDG11, Sustainable Cities and Communities
This book explores Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, providing insights into viable pathways and policy designs for a transition towards sustainable, inclusive and resilient cities.The volume di …