автор: Iakov Iskhakov


3 Электронные книги Iakov Iskhakov

Iakov Iskhakov & Yuri Ribakov: Design Principles and Analysis of Thin Concrete Shells, Domes and Folders
One of the main goals of a good and effective structural design is to decrease, as far as possible, the self-weight of structures, because they must carry the service load. This is especially importa …
Iakov Iskhakov & Yuri Ribakov: Ultimate Equilibrium of RC Structures Using Mini-Max Principle
This monograph analyses experimental and theoretical investigations in the field of reinforced concrete structures and elements from the viewpoint of a new mini-max principle and application of this …
M.M Aguilera-Luiz & A. Garrido Frenich: Veterinary Drugs and Growth-Promoting Agent Analyses
This book describes the most relevant information related to the chromatographic determination of veterinary drug residues in food, environmental and biological samples, providing the main applicatio …