For several years, Susanne Kennedy has been prominently present as a director on the German speaking stage. Her radical adaptations of canonical plays and popular films and her own creations of profoundly other counter-worlds are met with critical acclaim but also with bewilderment. To date, theatre studies has only scarcely engaged with the challenges her work poses. The present volume offers the first edited collection on Kennedy’s work. The contributions highlight both older an...
Inge Arteel, Silke Felber, Cornelis van der Haven
Susanne Kennedy’s Theatre. An Introduction
Karel Vanhaesebrouck
Transactional Love: Mannerism and Pornography in Susa...
Об авторе
Prof. Dr. Inge Arteel is full professor of German Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
PD Dr. Silke Felber is Senior Fellow at the University of Music and Performin...