Learning to Form Judgements’ is a continuation of reflections on the foundations and contexts of learning to form judgements discussed in the first volume (‘Urteilen lernen – Learning to Form Judgements’) and seeks out the perspectives of moral judgement formation that manifest themselves in the scholarly analysis of judgement. In addition to the interdisciplinary and inter-religious orientation, the main focus is on the ways in which children and young people learn to form judgements. How can learning processes be structured to support children in developing the competence to judge? Clearly, this task cannot be accomplished without profound reflection. From the perspective of religious education, Volume II attempts to achieve this and endeavours to address the complexity of the question from an aesthetic, political and eschatological point of view.’
Об авторе
Christiane Tietz ist Ordentliche Professorin für Systematische Theologie am Institut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich.