Preface.- PART 0.-Chapter 1. What Makes the Human Brain Special: Key Features of Brain and Neocortex (J. H. Kaas, Suzana Herculano-Houzel) .- Chapter 2. Introduction: From Neurons to the Mind (A. I. Popescu, I. Opris).- PART I.- Chapter 3. Systems Theory, Emergent Properties, and the Organization of the Central Nervous System .- (M. F. Casanova, I. Opris, E. Sokhadze, E. L. Casanova).- Chapter 4. Integrated Neural Circuits Supporting the Emergence of Mind (I. Opris, M. F. Casanova, M. A. Lebedev, A. I. Popescu).- Chapter 5. The Hierarchical Circuit for Executive Control of Movement (I. Opris and B. R. Noga).- Chapter 6. Symmetry and Noether Theorem for Brain Microcircuits (L. Bilteanu, M. F. Casanova, I. Opris).- Chapter 7. Locomotion and Symmetry Breaking in the Brain (B. R. Noga, I. Opris).- Chapter 8. Perturbation of Symmetry Breaking in Cognitive Disorders (I. Opris, B. R. Noga, M. F. Casanova).- Chapter 9. Gauge Fields in the Central Nervous System (A. Tozzi, B. Sengupta, J. F. Peters, K. Friston).- Chapter 10. Brain and Nonlinear Dynamics: Slow-wave Sleep Regulates to the Edge of Chaos (D. A. Steyn-Ross and Moira L. Steyn-Ross).- Chapter 11. Slow Oscillation in Prefrontal Cortex Underlying Local Computations and Large-Scale Interactions (S. Fujisawa) .- Chapter 12. Memory as Integration and Selection Processes over Space and Time in Temporal Cortical Microcircuits (M. Takeda).- Chapter 13. Holographic Memory: a Novel Model of Information Processing by Neuronal Microcircuits (A. Redozubov).- Chapter 14. Factors Influencing Opposing Effects of Emotion on Cognition: A Review of Evidence from Research on Perception and Memory (F. Dolcos, Y. Katsumi, E. Denkova, S. Dolcos).- PART II.- Chapter 15. Neural Correlates of Normal and Impaired Consciousness (A. Cavanna).- Chapter 16. EEG assessment of Consciousness Rebooting from Coma (C-A. Șerban, A. Barborică, A-M. Roceanu, I-R. Mîndruță, J. Ciurea, A-M. Zăgrean, L. Zăgrean and M. Moldovan).- Chapter 17. Role of Feed-Forward Inhibition in Neocortical Information Processing: Implications for Neurological Disorders (O. V. Favorov, O. Kursun, M. Tommerdhal).- Chapter 18. Cortical Microstructures: Lateralization, Ageing and Disruption across the Lifespan S. A. Chance.- Chapter 19. Building Elements of the Adaptive and Pathological Pain Neural Networks Maria-Luiza Flonta.- Chapter 20. Connectomics in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (C. Donos, A. Barborică, I-R. Mîndruţă, M. Maliia, I. Popa, J. Ciurea).- PART III.- Chapter 21. Grid cells-From Data Acquisition to Hardware Implementation: a Model for Connectome-Oriented Neuroscience (D. Deca).- Chapter 22. Multipotentiality of the Brain to be Revisited Repeatedly (Y. Sakurai, T. Ohnuki, R. Shiroshita, Y. Sakaguchi, K. Shiotani, and C. Jung Lee).- Chapter 23. Characterization of Complex Brain Functions with Sparse Nonlinear Dynamical Modeling (D. Song and T. Berger).- Chapter 24. Controlling Attention with Neurofeedback (M. Ordikhani-Seyedlar, M. A. Lebedev).- Chapter 25. Towards a Visual Story Network Using Multiple Views for Object Recognition at Different Levels of Spatiotemporal Context (M. Leordeanu, R. Sukthankar).- PART IV.- Chapter 26. Pharmacology of the Mind (J. Tsou).- Chapter 27. Genetics of the Mind and Brain Disorders (T. Popovitchenko and M.-R. Rasin.- Chapter 28. The Spiritual Brain: Science and Religious Experience (A. Newberg).- Chapter 29. The Neurobiology of Moral Decision-Making, Embodied Cognition and the Case of Tolerance (Diana Stanciu).- Chapter 30. Insights into the Animal’s Mind (G. Predoi, I. Raus, F. Bărbuceanu, I. Opris ).- PART V.- Chapter 31. Blood Brain Barrier and the Mind (Ana-Maria Zăgrean, B. Ianosi, C. Sonea, I. Opris, L. Zăgrean).- Chapter 32. Application of a Conceptual Nanomedical Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nano-Device (VCSN) to the Mapping of the Human Brain: Survey of Human Brain Function and Cognitive Implications (Angela Domschke and F. Bohm).-Chapter 33. A Unified Physical Theory for CSF Circulation, Cooling and Cleaning of the Brain, Sleep, and Head Injuries in Degenerative Cognitive Disorders (I. Cherian and Margarita Beltran).- Chapter 34. Mind the Reward: Nutrition vs. Addiction (C. Sonea, A. L. Opris, M. F. Casanova, M. V. Constantinescu, I. Opris). Index.