At the 19th Annual Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics held in Antalya, Turkey, in May 2007, the most recent developments and implementations of large-scale and grid computing were presented. This book, comprised of the invited and selected papers of this conference, details those advances, which are of particular interest to CFD and CFD-related communities. It also offers the results related to applications of various scientific and engineering problems involving flows and flow-related topics. Intended for CFD researchers and graduate students, this book is a state-of-the-art presentation of the relevant methodology and implementation techniques of large-scale computing.
Numerical Simulation of a Spinning Projectile Using Parallel and Vectorized Unstructured Flow Solver.- Development of a framework for parallel simulators with various physics and its performance.- Experience in Parallel Computational Mechanics on Mare Nostrum.- New approaches to modeling rarefied gas flow in the slip and transition regime.- A parallel scientific software for heterogeneous hydrogeoloy.- Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Methods on Multiprocessor Platforms.- Non-Sinusoidal Path Optimization of Dual Airfoils Flapping in a Biplane Configuration.- Parallel Computation of 3-D Viscous Flows on Hybrid Grids.- Implementation of parallel DSMC method to adiabatic piston problem.- Efficient Parallel Algoritm for multiconstrained of wing body configurations.- Parallel Three Dimensional Direct Simulation Monte Carlo for Simulating Micro Flows.- A Study on the Prediction of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Orbital Block of a Launch Vehicle in the Rarefied Flow Regime Using the DSMC Approach and the Parallel Computation.- Parallel Solution of a 3-D Mixed Convection Problem.- Computation of Hypersonic Flow of a Diatomic Gas in Rotational Non-Equilibrium past a Blunt Body Using the Generalized Boltzmann Equation.- Application of Parallel Processing to Numerical Modeling of Two-Phase Deflagration-to-Detonation (DDT) Phenomenon.- Highly Scalable Multiphysics Computational Framework for Propulsive Energetic Systems.- A Parallel Aitken-Additive Schwarz Waveform Relaxation Method for Parabolic Problems.- Parallel Computation of Incompressible Flows Driven by Moving Multiple Obstacles Using a New Moving Embedded-Grid Method.- Parallel Computing on Network of Windows Based PCs.- Parallel computations of droplet oscillations.- Cyclic Distribution of Pipelined Parallel Deferred Correction method for ODE/DAE.- Hybrid Parallelization Techniques for Lattice Boltzmann Free Surface Flows.- Flow-structure interaction and flow analysis of hydraulic machinery on a computational grid.- Parallel Computation of Incompressible Flow Using Building-Cube Method.- 3D Model of pollution distribution in city air and its parallel realization.- PARALLEL NAVIER-STOKES SOLUTIONS OF A WING-FLAP CONFIGURATION ON STRUCTURED MULTI-BLOCK OVERSETTING GRIDS.- PARALLEL NAVIER-STOKES SOLUTIONS OF NASA 65° DELTA-WING.- PARALLEL TURBULENT NAVIER-STOKES SOLUTIONS OF WING ALONE GEOMETRIES FOR DRAG PREDICTION.- Adaptive Aitken-Schwarz for Darcy 3D °ow on heterogeneous media.- Numerical Simulation of Compressible Flow using Three-Dimensional Unstructured Added/Eliminated Grid Method.- Technology of parallelization for 2D and 3D CFD/CAA codes based on high-accuracy explicit methods on unstructured meshes.- Separate treatment of momentum and heat flows in parallel environment.- DNS of Turbulent Natural Convection Flows on the Mare Nostrum supercomputer.- Termo Fluids: A new Parallel unstructured CFD code for the simulation of turbulent industrial problems on low cost PC Cluster.- Schur Complement Methods for the solution of Poisson equation with unstructured meshes.- Blood Flow Simulation in Cerebral Aneurysm: A Lattice Boltzmann Application in Medical Physics.- Unsteady Navier Stokes Solutions of Low Aspect Ratio Rectangular Flat Wings in Compressible Flow.- Case studies of solving large-scale CFD problems by means of the Gas Dynamics Tool software package.- Direct Monte Carlo Simulation of low-speed flows.- Parallel computing of 3D separated stratified fluid flows around a sphere.- C(p, q, j) Scheme with Adaptive time step and Asynchronous Communications.- Parallel Coupling of Heterogeneous Domains with KOP3D using PACX-MPI.- Numerical simulation of 3D turbulent flows around bodies subjected to vortex-induced and forced vibration.- Parallel simulation of type IIa supernovae explosions using a simplified physical model.- A Fast Parallel Blood Flow Simulator.- Parallel simulation of flows in porous media using adaptive locally-refined meshes.- Performance Evaluation of Two Parallel, Direct Sparse Solvers for an Aeroacoustic Propagation Model.- Three Dimensional Smoke Simulation on Programmable Graphics Hardware.- An Approach for Parallel CFD Solutions of Store Separation Problems.- Hybrid Parallelism for CFD Simulations: Combining MPI with Open MP.- Impact of the Tera Grid on Large-Scale Simulations and Visualizations.- Parallel CFD Simulations of Unsteady Control Maneuver Aerodynamics.- Parallel solution of flows with high velocity and/or enthalpy gradients.- Numerical Simulation of Transonic Flows by a Flexible and Parallel Evolutionary Computation.- Prediction of Ballistic Separation Effect by Direct Calculation of Incremental Coefficients.- Parallel Implementation of a Gas-Kinetic BGK Method on Unstructured Grids for 3-D Inviscid Missile Flows.- 3-D Time-Accurate Inviscid and Viscous CFD Simulations of Wind Turbine Rotor Flow Fields.- Modeling a Web Service-Based Decentralized Parallel Programming Environment.- Computation of unsteady hovering flapping motion in parallel environment.