Focusing on the actual experiences of L2 students who travelled from their homes to foreign lands as part of a faculty-led, short-term SA program, the author explores the linkage between intercultural awareness and sensitivity, language development (e.g., sociopragmatic awareness), and identity reconstruction in young adult L2 learners.
List of Tables Preface Acknowledgements Globalization, Internationalization, and Study Abroad Intercultural and Global Competencies Groundwork for the Illustrative Case Studies Nora and Mimi’s Sojourn and Re-entry Lana and Jade’s Sojourn and Re-entry New Ways of Being Cultivating Global and Intercultural Competencies Notes Bibliography Index
Об авторе
JANE JACKSON is Professor in the English Department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include intercultural communication, sociopragmatics, identity reconstruction, and language and cultural learning through study and residence abroad. Her book,
Language, Identity and Study Abroad: Sociocultural Perspectives was published in 2008.