Informed by in-depth case studies focusing on a wide spectrum of micro and macro post-socialist realities, this book demonstrates the multi-faceted nature of informality and suggests that it is a widely diffused phenomenon, used at all levels of a society and by both winners and losers of post-socialist transition.
Introduction PART I: THINKING INFORMALITY AND DEVELOPMENT WRIT LARGE AND SMALL 1. ‘Evaluating The Validity Of The Contrasting Theoretical Perspectives Towards The Informal Economy In Ukraine’; Colin Williams And Olga Onoschenko 2. ‘Institutional Transformation And Informality In Azerbaijan And Georgia’; Huseyn Aliyev 3. ‘Fighting The Shadows Lithuania’s Informal Workers And The Financial Crisis’; Ida Harboe Knudsen 4. ‘Formal Crutches For Broken Sociality’; Aet Annist PART II: RE-THEORISING INFORMALITY: POWER, CULTURE, KINSHIP AND HISTORY 5. ‘Field Notes On Informality’s Culture Of Ubiquity: Recognition And Symbolic Power Within Informal Economic Practices In Kosovo’; Anna Danielsson 6. ‘The Importance Of Having tela: Reproduction Of Informality In The Democratization Sector In Bosnia’; Karla Koutkova 7. ‘Perception Vs. Practices: Nepotism In Small Businesses In Bulgaria’; Tanya Chavdarova 8. ‘The Importance Of Personalized Relationships In Postsocialist Rural Bulgaria: Informality And The Socioeconomic Success Of Capitalist Agricultural Entrepreneurs’; Christian Giordano PART III: ‘INFORMAL PUBLIC SECTORS AND WELFARE: STATE INTERVENTION OR WITHDRAWAL?’ 9. ‘Informal Payments For Healthcare Services In Lithuania And Ukraine’; Tetiana Stepurko, Milena Pavlova, Irena Gryga, Liubove Murauskiene, Wim Groot 10. Nuclear Borders: Informally Negotiating The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone’; Thom Davies 11. ‘Governing Informal Payments In Healthcare: Lessons From China’; Jingqing Yang 12. ‘Informal Economic Practices Within The Kyrgyz Police (Militsiia)’; Liam O’Shea
Об авторе
Colin C Williams, Sheffield University Management School, UK Dr Olga Onoschenko, Sheffield University Management School, UK Huseyn Aliyev, Independent Scholar Ida Harboe Knudsen, Aarhus University, Denmark Aet Annist, Tallinn University, Estonia and University of Tartu, Estonia Anna Danielsson, University of Tübingen, Germany Karla Koutkova, Central European University, Hungary Tanya Chavdarova, Sofia University, Bulgaria Christian Giordano, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Tetiana Stepurko, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine Milena Pavlova, Maastricht University, the Netherlands Irena Gryga National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine Liubove Muraskiene, Vilnius University, Lithuania Wim Groot, Maastricht University, the Netherlands Thom Davies, Independent Scholar Jingqing Yang, University of Technology, Sydney Dr Liam O’Shea, Independent Scholar