‘I liked the discussion of blending qualitative and quantitative research. I particularly liked the tone that it is not an ‘either or’ discussion, but rather an ‘and’ – the two approaches compliment one another.’
—Evan Abbott, Regis University
This book covers the five most common instruments and strategies employed to explore needs. It describes the steps involved in implementing them and presents interesting case illustrations.
Although this book can be used in a stand-alone fashion, it is part of theNeeds Assessment KIT— five interrelated and sequenced books that take the reader through the needs assessment process (ISBN:
About the Author
1. Getting Started in Phase 2
2. Building From Phase I and the Literature
3. That Pesky Needs Assessment Survey
4. Basic Epidemiology for Phase II
5. Qualitative Methods for Phase II
6. The Other Parts of Phase II
Об авторе
James W. Altschuld, Ph D, is Professor Emeritus at The Ohio State University where he taught program evaluation, needs assessment, and research methods. He has published and presented extensively in the field of evaluation particularly with regard to how needs are assessed.