Proven tactical tips to strengthen your game
Your quick and easy guide to the rules, strategies, and etiquetteof chess
Kings, queens, knights — does chess seem like a royal pain tograsp? This friendly guide helps you make the right moves. Fromusing the correct terms to engaging in the art of attack, you’llget step-by-step explanations that demystify the game. You’ll alsofind updated information on tournaments and top players, as well ascomputer chess games and playing chess online!
Discover how to:
* Set up your chessboard
* Understand the pieces and their powers
* Recognize the game’s patterns
* Decipher chess notation
* Employ tactics to gain an advantage
* Find tournaments and clubs
Part I: Laying the Groundwork.
Chapter 1: Tackling the Chess Basics.
Chapter 2: Greeting the Pieces and Their Powers.
Chapter 3: Getting to Know the Elements of Chess.
Chapter 4: Looking Out for the King: Check, Stalemate, and Checkmate.
Part II: Gaining Chess Know-How.
Chapter 5: Tactics and Combinations in Hand-to-Hand Combat.
Chapter 6: Sacrifices: When It’s Better to Give than to Receive.
Chapter 7: Mastering Mating Patterns.
Chapter 8: Building Pattern Recognition.
Chapter 9: Recognizing Pawn Formations.
Chapter 10: Making Special Moves.
Part III: Game Time: Putting Your Chess Foot Forward.
Chapter 11: Selecting Your Strategy: The Principles of Play.
Chapter 12: Coming on Strong in the Opening.
Chapter 13: Making Headway during the Middlegame.
Chapter 14: Exiting with Style in the Endgame.
Part IV: Getting Into Advanced Action.
Chapter 15: Competition Play and Necessary Etiquette.
Chapter 16: Hitting the Net with Computer Chess.
Chapter 17: Got Notation? Reading and Writing about Chess.
Part V: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 18: The Ten Most Famous Chess Games.
Chapter 19: The Ten Best Players of All Time.
Part VI: Appendixes.
Appendix A: A Glossary of Chess.
Appendix B: Other Chess Resources.
Об авторе
James Eade, a United States Chess Federation Chess Master since 1981, devotes his time to chess writing, organizing, and teaching.