The Business of War incisively interrogates the development and contemporary implications of the military-industrial complex. It exposes the moral dangers of life in neoliberal economies dependent upon war-making for their growth and brings the Christian tradition’s abundance of resources into conversation with this phenomenon. In doing so, the authors invite us to rethink the moral possibilities of Christian life in the present day with an eye toward faithful resistance to ‘the business of war’ and its influence in every aspect of our lives. In combining biblical, historical, theological, and ethical analyses of ‘the business of war, ‘ the authors invite us to better understand it as a new moral problem that demands a new, faithful response.
With contributions from:
Pamela Brubaker
Stan Goff
Christina Mc Rorie
Logan Mehl-Laituri
Kara Slade
Won Chul Shin
David Swartz
Jonathan Tran
Myles Werntz
Matthew Whelan
Tobia Winright
Об авторе
Jonathan Tran is Associate Professor in the Department of Religion at Baylor University, where he and his family live. He is author of The Vietnam War and Theologies of Memory: Time and Eternity in the Far Country and Foucault and Theology, as well as numerous academic and popular articles.