A fifth-century semi-historical epic Fantasy Adventure set in Celtic Ireland pits pre-Viking Norse raiders against Tuatha Gods and their Gaelic warriors in a battle of the heart and soul of Emerald Erin!
In the fifth century, the arrival of a brutal band of pre-Viking Norse raiders entwines the Mother Goddess of Celtic Ireland in a desperate bid to rid her island of the invaders turned settlers. Danu and her fellow Tuatha Gods draw Breanna Ban Morna, a Gaelic warrior with blood from both sides, into a quest to find Lann Dàn, one of three pieces of magic needed to remove the Norse Dreadlord and his ilk from their land.
When Breanna summons Danu to a secret grove, Croí Dàn, the Heart of Destiny, chooses her as Erin’s Hero. As the Mother Goddess sets the young warrior on a quest to find the Blades of Destiny, little does Breanna know the Dreadlord has invoked ancient enemies of the Tuatha. After an intervention by the Sun God Lugh, Erin’s Hero pursues her goal of vanquishing the Norsemen.
Yet, when the headstrong warrior chosen by the Tuatha Gods to save the Gaels of Erin learns her Chief is in danger, she decides he must be her priority and not another quest for magic laid upon her by Lugh. Will her decision doom them all to a destiny that leads to the Norse ruling the Gaels of Erin?
Map of Eastern Erin
Celtic Magical Constructs
Guide to Gaelic Pronunciation
Central Characters & Places
Blood Bonds
Tuatha Interlude
Seeking the Destroyer
Quest for Lann Dàn
Tuatha Interlude
Demons Of The Dark
Fine Line of Truth
Rescue From Garm
About James
Об авторе
While earning a degree in English — Creative Writing at Eastern Michigan University, James started his career working in the information technology sector. In the 1990s, with his education and creative side still driving him, he began developing the storyline for a series of books based in Celtic Ireland, which came to be named Dàn Cycle (aka Destiny Cycle).The opening novel in this semi-historical series was first published in 2001. That edition has been rewritten and expanded into two novels, replacing the original work. Lann Dàn — Blades of Destiny: Dàn Cycle One is available now. The second novel, Lia Dàn — Stone of Destiny, is expected in March 2024. The third novel, Ćroí Dàn — Heart of Destiny, is underway and is expected to be published in August 2024. The fourth novel, Laoch Dàn — Warriors of Destiny, and the fifth novel, Leannáin Dàn — Lovers of Destiny, are projected for 2025.