Leading experts in the field present an up-to-date and diverse review of the best in social policy scholarship over the past year.
This volume considers current issues and critical debates in the UK and the international social policy field. It contains vital research on race in social policy higher education and analyses how welfare states and policies address the economic and social hardship of young people. The contributors also consider the impacts of austerity on the welfare state, homelessness, libraries and other social policy areas.
Published in association with the Social Policy Association, this comprehensive volume will be of interest to students and academics in social policy, social welfare and related disciplines.
Part I: Race, Racism and Social Policy ~ James Rees
Race and Social Policy: Challenges and Obstacles ~ Nasar Meer
‘Race’: the Missing Dimension in Social Policy Higher Education? ~ Bankole Cole, Gary Craig and Nasreen Ali
Young People as Cultural Critics of the Monocultural Landscapes that Fail them ~ Rick Bowler and Amina Razak
Returnees: Unwanted Citizens or Cherished Countrymen ~ Bozena Sojka and Maarja Saar
Part II: Social Policy and Young People ~ Elke Heins
The Family Welfare Source and Inequality in Liberal Welfare States: Evidence from Cohort Studies ~ Sarah Weakley
Economic Hardship in Young Adulthood: A Cause for Concern or a Matter of Course while Settling into the Swedish Labour Market? ~ Anna Kahlmeter
Cultural Education and the Good Citizen: A Systematic Analysis of a Neo-Liberal Communitarian Policy Trend ~ Katherine Tonkiss, Eleni Stamou and Malgorzata Wootton
How Geographical and Ideological Proximity Impact Community Youth Justice (In)accessibility in England and Wales ~ Sarah Brooks Wilson
Part III: Austerity ~ Marco Pomati
After a Decade of Austerity, Does the UK Have an Income Safety Net Worth its Name? ~ Donald Hirsch
A New Page? The Public Library in Austerity ~ Emma Davidson
No Way Home: the Challenges of Exiting Homelessness in Austere Times ~ Christina Carmichael
‘Everywhere and Nowhere’: Interventions and Services under Austerity ~ Stephen Crossley
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Elke Heins is Senior Lecturer in Social Policy at the University of Edinburgh.