7 Электронные книги Jan-David Franke
Jan-David Franke: A critical evaluation of Robert Putnam’s “Bowling Alone: America’s declining Social Capital”
Essay from the year 2012 in the subject Politics — Region: USA, grade: 1.0, Jacobs University Bremen g Gmb H, course: Civic Networks & Social Capital, language: English, abstract: This paper critical …
Jan-David Franke: Why Morocco missed the Arab Spring.
Essay from the year 2011 in the subject Sociology — Politics, Majorities, Minorities, grade: 1.0, Jacobs University Bremen g Gmb H, course: Mass Beliefs and Democracy, language: English, abstract: In …
Jan-David Franke: Somalia — Development and Failure
Essay from the year 2012 in the subject Politics — Topic: Development Politics, grade: 1.3, Jacobs University Bremen g Gmb H, course: USC — Theories of Development, language: English, abstract: Somal …
Jan-David Franke: When did the Cold War become global?
Essay from the year 2015 in the subject History of Germany — Postwar Period, Cold War, grade: 1, Oxford University, language: English, abstract: The 20th century was shaped by three wars, each global …
Jan-David Franke: What has been the impact of national self-determination on the international system?
Essay from the year 2016 in the subject Didactics — Politics, Political Education, grade: 1, Oxford University, language: English, abstract: “Nation, nationality, nationalism – all have proved notori …
Jan-David Franke: Have Southern social movements achieved power and voice? Whom do they represent?
Essay from the year 2016 in the subject Politics — General and Theories of International Politics, grade: 1, Oxford University, language: English, abstract: What do the Ghanaian Convention People’s P …
Jan-David Franke: Has China been socialized into international society in the post-Cold War period?
Essay from the year 2016 in the subject Politics — Other International Politics Topics, grade: 1, Oxford University, language: English, abstract: With the collapse of the Soviet Union the United Stat …