Fulfill the reality that the glory of God is the human fully alive.
‘Reverend Vennard is fearlessly awake to the wild dance of life. Rather than sleeping through life, she awakens to it. Rather than escaping from reality, she embraces it. Rather than distracting herself with a life to come, she dares to live the life that is. And she wants you to do all this as well. Read this book. Live this book. Wake up.’
—from the Foreword
In a culture enthralled with technology, striving and speed, people of many faith traditions and no faith tradition long to slow down, pay attention and wake up to the present moment. They want help in realizing their hope that they can become more truly alive.
This engaging and highly readable book offers you guidance for the journey. Sharing stories from her personal life as a spiritual seeker and from her professional career as a retreat leader, spiritual director and teacher, Reverend Jane Vennard illustrates the joys and frustrations of spiritual practice, offers insights from various religious traditions, and provides step-by-step exercises and meditations to practice:
Caring for the body • Rest • Silence Solitude • Letting go
Community • Hospitality • Service • Living gratefully
Foreword by Rami Shapiro xiii
Introduction xv
Expanding Our Understanding of Prayer and Spiritual Practice xvi
Defining Terms xvi
Becoming Fully Alive xviii
Examining Our Practices xix
On Cushion, Off Cushion xx
A Variety of Practices xxi
1. The Practice of Caring for Your Body Finding New Images, Deep Wisdom, and Blessings 1
Body Image: Experiencing Your Body as a Gift 3
Befriending Your Body 5
Embodied Wisdom 7
Healing the Divide 10
How Are You Called to Practice? 11
Guidelines for More Extended Practice 13
Writing a Letter to Your Body 13
Body Blessing 14
2. The Practice of Rest Restoring Your Energy, Your Creativity, and Your Spirit 15
Cultural Perceptions of Resting 16
Restful Activities 19
Biblical Call to Rest 21
Four Steps of the Creative Process 23
Sabbath Rest 24
How Are You Called to Practice? 26
Guidelines for More Extended Practice 27
Grateful Breathing 27
Resting While You Walk 28
3. The Practice of Silence Finding Spaciousness, Stillness, and Inner Peace 29
Discovering Well-Being in Quiet Places 30
Listening to Ourselves and Beyond Ourselves 31
Honoring Effortless Silence 34
Practicing Silence in a Supportive Community 35
Exploring the Shadow Side of Silence 36
Be Still and Know That I Am God 39
How Are You Called to Practice? 41
Guidelines for More Extended Practice 43
A Variety of Meditation and Contemplative
Prayer Practices 43
Breath Counting 43
Centering Prayer 44
True Meditation 45
4. The Practice of Solitude Making Friends with Yourself 47
Facing the Dragon of Loneliness 50
Early Experiences of Being Alone: Avoided or Encouraged? 52
The Journey Is the Destination: Walking Nowhere Alone 55
The Capacity to Be Alone: Self-Discovery, Creativity, and Intimacy 57
Silence and Solitude Together: A Furnace of Transformation 60
How Are You Called to Practice? 62
Guidelines for More Extended Practice 63
Exploring Your Experiences of Loneliness 63
Walking Meditation: Slowly Going Nowhere 64
5. The Practice of Letting Go Releasing Your Attachments, Your Past, and Your Future 67
Letting Go of Material Things 68
Fasting: Making Space for the Sacred 70
Forgiveness: Letting Go of Hurts and Leaving the Past Behind 72
Nonattachment: Letting Go of the Outcome 75
Accepting the Life That Awaits Us 78
How Are You Called to Practice? 81
Guidelines for More Extended Practice 82
The Courage to Forgive 82
Dancing Nonattachment 83
6. The Practice of Community Discovering Support, Encouragement, and Interdependence 85
The Rhythm of Contemplative, Communal, and Missional Spiritual Practices 87
Singing Together We Become the Music 89
Dancing, Moving, and Playing Together 91
Making Music Together:
Surrendering to the Whole 93
Spiritual Direction 96
How Are You Called to Practice? 98
Guidelines for More Extended Practice 100
My Communal Spiritual Practice: Examining
Its History and Discovering Its Future 100
Playful Body Sculpting and Creative Naming 101
7. The Practice of Hospitality Inviting, Welcoming, and Nurturing the Stranger 103
The Three Movements of Hospitality 104
Hospitality: A Two-Way Street 107
Practicing Communal Hospitality:
Blessings and Challenges 109
Welcoming the Stranger Within 112
Cultivating the Hospitable Heart 114
How Are You Called to Practice? 115
Guidelines for More Extended Practice 116
Welcoming the Stranger Within 116
The Welcoming Prayer 118
8. The Practice of Service Cultivating Generosity, Kindness, and Joy 121
Hidden Service: The Power of Practices That No One Notices 125
The Practice of Discernment: Deciding Who, Where, and How to Serve 131
Bearing Witness: No Need to Fix Anything 134
Many Hands Make Light Work: Practicing Service in Community 135
Responding to the Needs of Mother Earth 138
How Are You Called to Practice? 138
Guidelines for More Extended Practice 140
Letting the Mud Settle and Becoming Still 140
Listening with an Open Heart—Including Silence in the Conversation 142
9. The Fruits of Practice Living Gratefully, Humbly, and Compassionately 145
The Experience of Living Gratefully 149
Surprise Is the Wisdom of a Grateful Heart 151
Humility—the Forgotten Virtue 152
The Gracious Gift of Humility 154
Cultivating Humble Hearts 155
Discovering the Depth of Your Compassion 157
The Courage to See, the Courage to Feel,
and the Courage to Act 159
How Are You Called to Practice? 162
Guidelines for More Extended Practice 163
Keeping a Gratitude Journal 163
Discovering Your Image of Humility 164
Knowledge of the Stranger Deepens Compassion 165
Acknowledgments 167
Notes 169
Suggestions for Further Reading 175
Index of Practices 179
Об авторе
Rami Shapiro, a renowned teacher of spirituality across faith traditions and a noted theologian, is a popular speaker on the topics of religion, theology and spirituality. He is author of the award-winning The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness: Preparing to Practice; Recovery—The Sacred Art: The Twelve Steps as Spiritual Practice and Hasidic Tales: Annotated and Explained; among other books.Rami Shapiro is available to speak on the following topics:Writing—The Sacred Art: Beyond the Page to Spiritual Practice Stop Playing God: 12 Steps as Spiritual Practice Biblical Wisdom for Post-biblical Times: An Exploration of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness: Cultivating Compassion in Daily Life Hasidic Wisdom: An Exploration of Hasidic Storytelling, Theology and Contemplative Practice Saints and Sages: Biblical Prophets, Ancient Rabbis and the Building of a Just World