автор: Janet Darnell

Janet Darnell is on a journey: a heart»s journey. This journey has taken many turns in careers and mission opportunities. Throughout the journey there has been a thread of brokenness, revived faith, and heart healings. Her prophetic, cartoon-like art is simple, childlike, fun, and expressive. Her desire is that through the art and the Scriptures shared, the reader will experience God»s love and humor and so build a deeper relationship with Him. Janet currently resides in Tyler, TX. After spending many years in the Information Technology (IT) industry and serving in missions, she currently works in youth development as a life and golf skills coach, teaches online higher education IT courses, and of course continues drawing.

1 Электронные книги Janet Darnell

Janet Darnell: Simply Knowing God
Simply Knowing God: A Hearts Journey provides an in-depth picture of Gods love and the healing that is available to the brokenhearted. Let the images and Scriptures speak to your unique heart as you …