There is a famous saying that as you get older, you start to become more forgetful and your brain starts to deteriorate and slow down. The good thing is that it can be slowed down in a fun way that most people would enjoy which is by figuring out or solving puzzles. Brain and Memory Games: 70 Fun Puzzles to Boost Your Brain Juice Today will help you improve concentration and focus your mind. The mental exercises will not just juice up your brain but the mental stimulation can make you feel energized and ready to remember anything. Take the exercises every other day or a few times times a week. Before you know it, your mind will be more focused and your concentration will improve.
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Not everyone is a puzzle lover, which was certainly true for Jason Scotts. But over time, he became one and can’t stop doing them now. He has no complaints about it because he has learned that figuring out puzzles is a great way to help him concentrate better and keep his mind focused. He likens it to learning a new language or reading sheet music. These are all great brain stimulators and stretch your brain power so to speak. Now that Jason is really into doing puzzles, he hopes to encourage others to get into it as well with his puzzle book. Really what he wants is for you to get hooked on doing them as he is and in return you’ll have better focus and concentration on things that are more of a serious nature where forgetting can really cause problems that you would prefer to avoid. So he will continue to enjoy puzzles and looks forward to coming out with additional puzzle books in the future. Stay tuned.