Praise for Exceptional Selling
‘Thull’s leading-edge thinking makes this book extraordinary.This straightforward guide to communicating across all cultureswith credibility and respect will give you a significantcompetitive advantage in a complex and crowded globalmarketplace.’
—Guenter Lauber, Vice President, Siemens Energy &Automation, Inc., EA Systems
‘Exceptional Selling may be one of the most important bookswritten on sales and marketing communications for high stakessales. It shows you how to stand apart from your competition, communicate with great clarity, and position your solution as themost compelling choice for the long term.’
—Rob Mancuso, Senior Vice President, Investors Financial Services Corp.
‘Thull has taken consultative and collaborative sales to newheights. The knowledge in this book is priceless. The trust andrespect created by the diagnostic process is a must-have forsuccess here in Asia and around the globe. It enables us todifferentiate ourselves early and achieve long-lastingsuccess.’
—Tay Chong Siew, Major Customer Director, North Asia, BOCGases
‘Having achieved exceptional success by working with Thull andimplementing the strategy and process in his first two books, I’mastounded that his leading-edge thinking is captured in yet moredetail in another brilliant book. The conversation examples of hispowerful diagnostic approach will bring even greater success to ourorganization. Truly exceptional!’
—Alberto Chacin, Director of On Demand Services LAD, Oracle USA
‘Exceptional Selling is a dramatic departure from the vastmajority of sales books. It scares me to see all the ways in whichwe can self-sabotage our sales opportunities-but that’s onlychapter one. Throughout the book, Thull describes compellingexamples of how to succeed in a cluttered marketplace.’
—Steven Rodriguez, Senior Vice President, Ceridian Corporation
‘Thull has again extended the concepts and thinking he developedin The Prime Solution and Mastering the Complex Sale. This is anessential read for anyone working to understand his customers in acomplex world.’
—Wayne Hutchinson, Vice President of Sales Marketing and Consulting, Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Foreword xi
Preface xix
Acknowledgments xxix
Part I: ‘What We Got Here Is a Failure to Communicate’
1 The More You Sweat, the Less You Sell 9
2 Nobody Buys a Value Proposition 31
3 You’ve Got to Get Your Mind Right 53
Part II: Taking It to the Street
4 Earning the Keys to the Elevator 83
5 Diagnosis Trumps Presentation Every Time 107
6 Cutting Through the Smoke and Mirrors 131
7 It Doesn’t Pay to Surprise a Corporation 159
Part III: Breaking Away with Exceptional Credibility
8 ‘Show Me the Money’ 187
9 Connecting at the Level of Power and Decision 209
Epilogue 229
Index 231
Об авторе
JEFF THULL is a leading-edge strategist and valued advisor for executive teams worldwide. As President and CEO of Prime Resource Group, he has designed and implemented business transformation programs for companies such as Shell Global Solutions, 3M, Microsoft, Siemens, Citicorp, IBM, Raymond James, and Georgia-Pacific, as well as many fast-track start-up companies. He has gained a reputation as a leader in the area of sales and marketing strategies for companies involved in complex sales. He is an in-demand public speaker who has delivered more than 2, 500 speeches and seminars. Thull is also the author of The Prime Solution and the Wiley title, Mastering the Complex Sale.
For more information, please visit