This Facilitator Guide offers a framework for using Living in an Icon as a series of exercises and community building practices for small groups in various settings, from weekend retreats or study series, to a 21-week extended practice.
The Exercises of Living in an Icon
Journey One: Waking Up
Journey Two: The Road to Kinship
Journey Three: Encountering the Burning Bush
Running a Living in an Icon Program
Appendix A: A Discussion Covenant
Appendix B: A Primer on Asceticism and natural Contemplation
Appendix C: Suggested Further Reading
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ROBERT GOTTFRIED directs the Center for Religion and Environment at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, and coordinates its Contemplation and Care for Creation program, which combines theology, ecology and social science. For over twenty years, he has introduced people to the Christian practice of nature contemplation. He lives in Sewanee, Tennessee.