Jill Winch is a member of the Society of Botanical Artists and exhibits at their annual exhibition in London. She teaches botanical art at her garden studio in Hertfordshire as well as other locations in Ireland and Italy. Her approach is to encourage all levels of ability, from complete beginners through to exhibiting artists. In 2012 Jill won the Daler Rowney Choice Award for her painting of the Medinilla magnifica.
4 Электронные книги Jill Winch
Jill Winch: Lär Dig Teckna Blommor
Graceful, beautiful and subtle, flowers are among the most delightful of subjects for artists to draw. This fresh, accessible book is aimed at those who want to translate their love of the natural wo …
Jill Winch: Painting Flowers
What could be more satisfying than producing a beautiful painting of a flower? Jill Winch is an award-winning botanical artist and has been teaching people to paint and draw flowers for many years. I …
Jill Winch: Lär Dig Teckna Blommor
Blommor är bland de ljuvligaste objekt en konstnär kan välja för att återge skönhet, ljuvlighet och elegans. Den här boken är lättillgänglig och riktar sig till den som önskar återge sin kärlek till …
Jill Winch: Drawing & Painting Flowers
Learn how to capture the beauty of nature in pencil, pen and watercolour with this inspiring guide from award-winning botanical artist Jill Winch. The first half of the book shows you how to capture …