Joachim Gwinner is retired professor of mathematics at Bundeswehr University Munich. His research interests span from optimization to numerical and variational analysis with applications in continuum mechanics.
Ernst Peter Stephan is retired professor of mathematics at Leibniz University Hannover. His research covers numerical methods for partial differential equations and boundary integral equations together with their analysis.
3 Электронные книги Joachim Gwinner
Joachim Gwinner & Ernst Peter Stephan: Advanced Boundary Element Methods
This book is devoted to the mathematical analysis of the numerical solution of boundary integral equations treating boundary value, transmission and contact problems arising in elasticity, acoustic a …
Joachim Gwinner & Baasansuren Jadamba: Uncertainty Quantification in Variational Inequalities
Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is an emerging and extremely active research discipline which aims to quantitatively treat any uncertainty in applied models. The primary objective of Uncertainty Quan …
Joachim Gwinner & Baasansuren Jadamba: Uncertainty Quantification in Variational Inequalities
Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is an emerging and extremely active research discipline which aims to quantitatively treat any uncertainty in applied models. The primary objective of Uncertainty Quan …