Anna Gonerko-Frej, PhD, is the Head of the English Department at Szczecin University, Poland. She has created a programme for teaching cultural studies in a state secondary English-medium school in Szczecin and has been supervising it for the last 10 years. She holds a diploma of postgraduate studies in British Studies from Ruskin College, Oxford University, and Methodology from Warsaw University, Poland, and obtained a doctorate degree from Greifswald University, Germany. Her professional interests focus mainly on English as a lingua franca, linguistic imperialism, language policy, World Englishes, ELT methodology, intercultural education, material writing, British studies, and language and identity.
2 Электронные книги Joanna Witkowska
Joanna Witkowska & Uwe Zagratzki: Ideological Battlegrounds — Constructions of Us and Them Before and After 9/11 Volume 1
"The effects of 9/11 ramify through a network of conduits and pathways, including the examples of expressive culture this volume explores; and the registration of those effects will likewise be …
Anna Gonerko-Frej & Joanna Witkowska: Ideological Battlegrounds — Constructions of Us and Them Before and After 9/11
Volume 2 of Ideological Battlegrounds — Constructions of Us and Them Before and After 9/11 continues and complements the discussion of the event undertaken in the first part of the two-volume publica …