Marcy Rockman is a 2009-2011 Science and Technology Policy Fellow with the American Association for the Advancement of Science placed with the US Environmental Protection Agency»s National Homeland Security Research Centre (Washington, DC, USA) and is also a Fellow of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA. Her long-term research focus is the landscape learning process, which is how human populations gather, share, and remember environmental information.
Joe Flatman is the County Archaeologist of Surrey (Woking, Surrey, UK) and a Senior Lecturer at UCL Institute of Archaeology (London, UK). He is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, a Trustee of the Council for British Archaeology, and a Member of the Institute for Archaeologists.
4 Электронные книги Joe Flatman
Marcy Rockman & Joe Flatman: Archaeology in Society
The practiceof archaeology has many different facets: from academia, to government, tocultural resource management, to public media. Considering the place of archaeology in society means understandi …
Joe Flatman: Archaeology
Whether it’s Tomb Raider or Roman coins, the conventional view of archaeology as a discipline solely preoccupied with long dead cultures is misleading. In fact, archaeology is better described as a m …