John Englander is a renowned oceanographer, multi-book author, speaker, and expert on climate change and sea level rise. His 2012 book, High Tide on Main Street explained the science in easy-to-understand terms. Politico listed it as one of the top fifty books to read.
His broad marine science background, coupled with explorations in Greenland and Antarctica, allows him to see the big-picture impacts of changing climate and rising sea level on society. Millions of people in the US and around the world have read his books, or heard his message through blogs and popular talks.
Englander is consistently rated as one of the best speakers on climate change and sea level rise, and works tirelessly to help communities understand why sea level will rise far higher than most can imagine. Quickly.
As a leading spokesperson for «intelligent adaptation», John is the foremost advocate that, globally, we must move to higher ground.
John»s background as a scientist, explorer, entrepreneur, and CEO (International Sea Keepers Society, Cousteau Society) combine to help him analyze not just the scientific impacts of profound SLR, but also the business, economic, and humanitarian impacts.
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2 Электронные книги John Englander
John Englander: Moving To Higher Ground
Ice on land is melting, and sea level is rising, both at astonishing rates never seen in recorded history. Are you, your property, investments, and family ready for these unprecedented changes? Read& …
John Englander: High Tide on Main Street
First published in 2012, High Tide on Main Street blazed a new trail in understanding the driving forces behind climate change and its most profound, unstop …