Practical pointers for maximizing meetings and motivating team members!
At their worst, meetings can waste time, lack focus, foster a combative spirit, or be just plain boring. At their best, meetings can be a positive, dynamic experience that nurtures individual strengths while inspiring teamwork to successfully accomplish an established task. The fate of a meeting lies in the skill of the facilitator, and this easy-to-use guide has all the tips and tools necessary to make you shine in this challenging role.
Anyone charged with navigating a group of people toward a desired objective will benefit from this book′s indispensable features, which include:
- Templates for easy implementation at every stage of the facilitation process
- Straightforward tactics for managing difficult participants and emotionally charged situations
- Realistic examples to help you avoid pitfalls
- Surefire methods for delegating in a meaningful and respectful manner
From pre-meeting preparation, to the meeting′s critical first few minutes, to its conclusion and beyond, this manual provides step-by-step guidance for the entire facilitation process. It is packed with proven do′s and don′ts based on psychological principles, research, real-life experience, and field-tested best practices. The user-friendly strategies focus on such key areas as team building, brainstorming, motivating, overcoming problematic situations, reaching goals, and assessing results.
About the Author
1. What am I Getting Into?
Why do We Get People Together to Meet?
When Do We Use Teams?
The Impact of a Facilitator on the Effectiveness of a Group
The Unique Position of a Group Facilitator
Internal Versus External Facilitators
Characteristics of Effective Facilitators
Your Mission as a Facilitator
2. Get Ready, Get Set…
The Importance of Planning to a Successful Session
Factors to Take Into Consideration When Planning Meetings
Breaking the Meeting Tasks Into Parts
Planning for the Effective Delivery of Directions
3. Go
Setting the Proper Tone for a Meeting
The Use of Music
Foundation-Setting Activities
Good News
The Use of Framing
Active Learning Strategies
Watching Team Member Behaviors During the Start of a Meeting
Opening the Session
Setting Norms and Ground Rules
4. Connecting All Members of the Team
Interdependence/Community and Its Importance to Team Operation
Team Building
Conflict Resolution
Conflict and Chaos
Protecting Team Members During the Decision-Making Process
Protecting Team Members When Announcing the Results of Their Decisions
Keeping Uninvolved Stakeholder Groups Informed About Decision Progress
5. Reaching Peak Performance: Connecting Their Minds
The Need to Minimize/Maximize Energy
Diagnosing Group Energy
Working/Processing Combinations
Grouping and Regrouping Strategies
Other Group Processing Strategies
6. Working the Brain
Brainstorming Techniques
Brainstorming Strategies and Ideas
7. Reaching the Goal
The Problem with Goals
Typical Issues Inhibiting Goal Implementation Success and Facilitator Implications
Other Important Considerations for Success in the Goal Process
8. Putting On Your Oxygen Mask
Important Factors for Facilitators to Track
Importance of Self-Protection
Understanding Your Role as the Group Facilitator
Use of Positive Presuppositions
Use of Charts, Papers and Other Visuals to Deflect Anger
Use of Positioning in the Room
Developing an Exit Plan
Reflect Emotions/Content Back to the Group
9. Transforming a Difficult Group
What is a Difficult Group?
Problem People
Identification Strategies
Starting a Session
Music and Difficult Groups
Foundation-Setting Activities
Use of an Agenda
Об авторе
John Eller has had a variety of experiences in working with adults over the years he has been in education. His experiences include work educational leaders at Virginia Tech University, developing teacher leaders in a Maters program, serving as the Executive Director of Minnesota ASCD, work as a principal’s training center director, a position as an assistant superintendent for curriculum, learning, and staff development, and several principal positions in a variety of settings. In addition to the work he does in training and supporting facilitators, John also does work in the areas of dealing with difficult people, building professional learning communities, employee evaluation, conferencing skills, coaching skills, strategic planning strategies, school improvement planning and implementation, differentiated instruction, leadership for differentiation, employee recruitment, selection, and induction, supervisory skills, and effective teaching strategies. He has his Ph D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Loyola University-Chicago and his MS in Educational Leadership from the University of Nebraska-Omaha. John has authored books on substitute teaching, wrote The Training Video Series for the Professional School Bus Driver, The principals’ Guide to Custodial Supervision contributes articles for the publication Superintendents Only. He wrote Effective Group Facilitation in Education: How to Energize Meetings and Manage Difficult Groups, and co-authored So Now You’re the Superintendent, the best selling, Energizing Staff Meetings and Creative Strategies to Improve School Culture all through Corwin Press.