John Kennedy Toole, a native of New Orleans, graduated from Tulane University and received a master»s degree in English from Columbia University. He taught at Hunter College, the University of Southwestern Louisiana, and Dominican College in New Orleans. His only other novel,
The Neon Bible, is also published by Grove Press.
7 Электронные книги John Kennedy Toole
John Kennedy Toole: A Confederacy of Dunces
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize “A masterwork . . . the novel astonishes with its inventiveness . . . it is nothing less than a grand comic fugue.”—The New York Times Book Review A Confederacy of Dunces …
John Kennedy Toole: The Neon Bible
The accomplished and evocative first novel by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of A Confederacy of Dunces. John Kennedy Toole wrote The Neon Bible for a literary contest at the age of sixteen. The m …
John Kennedy Toole: Confederacy of Dunces
One of the BBC’s ‘100 Novels That Shaped Our World»My favourite book of all time… it stays with you long after you have read it — for your whole life, in fact’ Billy Connolly A monument to sloth, …
John Kennedy Toole: Neon Bible
“A moving evocation of the small-town South in the mid-twentieth century” that “belongs on the shelf with the works of Flannery O’Connor, Carson Mc Cullers, and Eudora Welty&r …
John Kennedy Toole: Die Verschwörung der Idioten
Die braven Bürger von New Orleans scheinen nicht besonders viel von Ignatius und seinen Ausrastern zu halten. Der aber ignoriert sie einfach, wenn er seinen massigen Körper zu den Fleischtöpfen der S …
John Kennedy Toole: Una banda di idioti
Quando nel mondo appare un vero genio, lo si riconosce dal fatto che tutti gli idioti fanno banda contro di lui. È il principio primo che muove ogni altra idea, sogno e azione di Ignatius Reilly, uno …
John Kennedy Toole: La Bibbia al neon
Saliamo sul treno con David, e sferragliando veloci, con il cuore in gola, viaggiamo a ritroso nella provincia americana in cui è nato, dalla madre triste, dalla zia ex sciantosa sessantenne che dà s …