The spirituality and lives of the desert fathers and mothers are often seen as the beginning and end of Christian monastic life. Their stories and messages inspire not only the most devout Christians but also the “nones” and the “dones.” In Desert Dangers and Delights John Michael Talbot reflects on his experience as a spiritual father and a popularizer of Catholic Christian spirituality through his music and teaching. He uses his own stories, Scripture, and the stories and sayi...
Introduction 1
1 Flee the World 7
2 Jesus Christ 14
3 Holy Spirit 23
4 The Monk Within 35
5 The Cell 44
6 Work 54
7 Private Prayer 61
8 Liturgi...
Об авторе
John Michael Talbot is the founder and spiritual father of the Catholic-based community the Brothers and Sisters of Charity. He leads an active ministry from Little Portio...