This thoroughly revised and updated second edition of The Strategic Application of Information Technology in Health Care Organizations offers health care executives and managers a balanced analysis of health care information systems. Written by John Glaser-a renowned expert in the field of health care information technology-this important resource shows health care professionals how to use IT to reduce costs, respond to the demands of managed care, develop a continuum of care, and manage and improve the quality of service to patients, payers, and physicians.
Tables, Figures, and Exhibits.
About the Author.
1. An Overview of Strategy.
Definition of Strategy.
Competitive Strategy.
The Need-for-IT Strategy.
Characteristics of Strategic Thinking.
2. Linkage of IT Strategy to Organizational Strategy.
Strategic Planning Frameworks and Methodologies.
Information Technology as a Competitive Weapon.
3. Internal IT Capabilities and Characteristics.
Asset Composition and Overview.
Asset Discussion.
Asset Lessons Learned and Observations.
IT-Centric Organizational Attributes.
The Question of Value.
Factors That Influence Organizational IT Asset Decisions.
4. Examples of IT Strategy.
Clinical Information Systems.
Integration of Information Systems.
The Internet.
5. Conclusion.
Об авторе
John P. Glaser, Ph.D., is vice president and chief information officer at Partners Health Care System, Inc. He was the founding chairman of the College of Health Care Information Management Executives (CHIME) and past president of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). He is a winner of the John Gall CIO of the Year Award from the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society.