Ever since the two ancient nations of India and China established modern states in the mid-20th century, they have been locked in a complex rivalry ranging across the South Asian region. Garver offers a scrupulous examination of the two countries’ actions and policy decisions over the past fifty years. He has interviewed many of the key figures who have shaped their diplomatic history and has combed through the public and private statements made by officials, as well as the extensive record of government documents and media reports. He presents a thorough and compelling account of the rivalry between these powerful neighbors and its influence on the region and the larger world.
List of Illustrations
Sino-Indian Relations: The Protracted Contest
The Tibetan Factor in Sino-Indian Relations
The Territorial Dispute
Sino-Indian Rivalry for Influence and Status among Developing Countries
Indian-Chinese Rivalry in Nepal
Sikkim and Bhutan
The Sino-Pakistani Entente Cordiale
Managing the Contradiction between Maintaining the SIno-Pakistani Entente and Furthering Sino-Indian Rapprochement
Burma: The Back Door to China
The Indian Ocean in Sino-Indian Relations
Nuclear Weapons and the Sino-Indian Relationship
Nuclear Weapons and the International Status of China and India
Prospects for a Qualitative Change in PRC-ROI Relations
Об авторе
John W. Garver teaches at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Among his other books are Face Off: China, the United States, and Taiwan’s Democratization and Foregn Relations of the People’s Republic of China.