The definitive guide to understanding Taoism—no matter
your background or faith
Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching is the second most translated book
in the world, and the practice of religious Taoism is on the rise
in China, where adherents currently number in the hundreds of
millions. Yet there remains a remarkable lack of reliable
information about Taoism for curious westerners. Taoism For
Dummies provides comprehensive coverage of Taoism’s origins in
China’s Chou Dynasty, its underlying quietist principles, its
emergence as a major religion, various interpretation of its core
texts, including both Eastern and Western interpretations, key
Taoist concepts, and much more. It also provides a fascinating
glimpse of Taoism in contemporary China.
* The ideal guide for readers interested in this influential
religion, as well as those taking an introductory course on Taoism
or Chinese Religion
* A valuable source of insight for those with an interest in
modern Chinese culture and beliefs
Introduction 1
Part I: Navigating the World of Taoism 7
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Taoism 9
Chapter 2: What Is Taoism? 19
Chapter 3: Don’t Believe Everything You Think 31
Part II: Looking At the Development of Taoism
Chapter 4: Classical Taoist Philosophy 47
Chapter 5: The Development of Institutional Taoism 73
Chapter 6: Types of Taoism in China Today 91
Chapter 7: Go West, Old Tao, Go West 109
Part III: Examining Important Taoist Concepts
Chapter 8: What Is the Tao, and What Does It Mean to Follow It?
Chapter 9: Doing Everything by Doing Nothing 157
Chapter 10: For Every Yin, There Is an Equal and Opposite Yang
Chapter 11: Blue Heaven, Yellow Heaven: The Belief in a New Age
Chapter 12: Writing What Can’t Be Spoken: The Many Texts
of Taoism 207
Part IV: Exploring Taoist Practices 225
Chapter 13: Remembering to Keep Forgetting 227
Chapter 14: Seeking the Path to Immortality 241
Chapter 15: Internal Cultivation through the Discipline of
Alchemy 259
Chapter 16: Martial, Gymnastic, and Healing Arts: T’ai-chi
and Ch’i-kung 277
Chapter 17: Cosmic Renewal and Other Rituals 291
Part V: The Part of Tens 305
Chapter 18: Ten Common Misconceptions about Taoism 307
Chapter 19: Ten Bits of Advice for Acquiring Taoist Wisdom
Chapter 20: Ten Places to See Taoist Stuff Happening Today
Part VI: Appendixes 331
Appendix A: Glossary 333
Appendix B: Resources 347
Appendix C: Pronunciation Guide 353
Index 357
Об авторе
Jonathan Herman, Ph D, is the Director of Undergraduate Studies and Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Georgia State University in Atlanta, where he teaches courses in Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Shinto, world religions, comparative mysticism, and critical theory in the study of religion. He has written extensively on various aspects of Taoism, Chinese religion, and modern religious issues.