Isabella Grzegory, High Pressure Research Center, Poland
Pierre Gibart, CRHEA-CNRS, France
A. Georgakilas, Microelectronics Research Group, Greece
Agnès Trassoudaine, Université Blaise Pascal, France
V. Yu. Davydov, Polytekhnicheskaya, Russia
Jörg Neugebauer, Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Germany
Ph. Komninou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Pierre Ruterana, ESCTM-CRISMAT, France
P. J. Hartlieb, North Carolina State University
Raleigh, USA
H. Amano; Meijo University, Japan
Hadis Morkoç, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Franck Omnes, CRHEA/CNRS, France
4 Электронные книги Jörg Neugebauer
Pierre Ruterana & Martin Albrecht: Nitride Semiconductors
Semiconductor components based on silicon have been used in a wide range of applications for some time now. These elemental semiconductors are now well researched and technologically well developed. …
Audrius Alkauskas & Peter Deák: Advanced Calculations for Defects in Materials
This book investigates the possible ways of improvement by applying more sophisticated electronic structure methods as well as corrections and alternatives to the supercell model. In particular, the …
Audrius Alkauskas & Peter Deák: Advanced Calculations for Defects in Materials
This book investigates the possible ways of improvement by applying more sophisticated electronic structure methods as well as corrections and alternatives to the supercell model. In particular, the …
Jörg Neugebauer: Kopf und Körper
Jean und Marie sind als Zirkuskinder aufgewachsen, arbeiteten über Jahre zusammen auf dem Trapez. Aber Marie will etwas anderes, will mehr sein als ein niedlicher ‘Luftball’. Sie entdeckt ihre Leiden …