‘The information in the book is extremely relevant. With the current demands for educational improvement, leaders in the field are searching for new, innovative means of helping students feel connected to their schools.’
—Tricia Peña, Principal
Cienega High School, Vail, AZ
‘This book does a good job of explaining the purpose, design, and use of the enrichments and their relationship to the general curriculum.’
—Laurie Peterman, Instructional Facilitator
Anoka-Hennpin ISD #11, Lino Lakes, MN
Create an instructional program that can transform every student′s learning experience!
How can educators spark an enthusiasm for learning in young people? What can classroom teachers do to promote creativity and innovative thinking? In Enriching Curriculum for All Students, Second Edition , the authors present the Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM), a groundbreaking instructional program that reaches all students through hands-on problem solving, high-interest activities, and cooperative learning.
The revised edition offers updated research and additional guidelines for implementing lessons to support differentiated and enriching learning opportunities for all learners. Demonstrating how teachers can shift from instructor to coach or mentor, and how students′ minds, spirits, and values can be developed within an invigorating atmosphere, the authors focus on:
- Developing the talent potential of all students
- Improving academic performance through meaningful, enjoyable learning
- Fostering a reflective, growth-oriented staff
- Honoring ethnic, gender, and cultural diversity
- Involving students, parents, teachers, and administrators in decision making
This vital resource combines inspiration with practical methods and highlights the importance of a versatile and imaginative curriculum that gives all students the opportunity to reach their highest potential.
About the Authors
1. What Is ‘Enrichment’ and Why Is It Important in Developing Curriculum in America′s Schools?
The ‘Why’ Question: Why Enrichment?
The ‘What’ Question: What Kinds of Enrichment?
What Exactly Is Enrichment Learning and Teaching?
The Teacher Role as the Guide-on-the-Side
The Four Goals of Schoolwide Enrichment
2. Using the Schoolwide Enrichment Model to Enrich Curriculum for All Students
Expanding Conceptions of Gifts and Talents: The Theory Underlying the SEM
Developing Two Kinds of Giftedness
An Overview of the Enrichment Triad Model
The Revolving Door Identification Model: Identifying Students for the SEM
The Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM)
The Regular Curriculum
The Enrichment Clusters
The Continuum of Special Services
The Service Delivery Components
The Total Talent Portfolio
Curriculum Differentiation and Compacting
Enrichment Teaching and Learning
Non-Negotiables about implementing Enrichment in the SEM
Research on the SEM
3. Challenging All Students With a Continuum of Enrichment Services
Background to the Establishment of a Continuum of Services
Theoretical and Organizational Models
An Integrated Continuum of Special Services
How and When Enrichment Activities Take Place
Keys to Developing a Comprehensive Continuum of Services
Organizing Services in the Continuum
The Role of Grouping and Tracking in a Continuum of Services
The Politics of Grouping
Nongraded Instructional Grouping and Within Classroom Cluster Grouping
Managing Within Classroom Cluster Groups
Other Enrichment Options
Summer Programs and Schools for Gifted Students
4. Developing Talent Portfolios for All Students
What Is the Total Talent Portfolio?
Status and Action Information
Focus on Strengths
Portfolio Engineering: Creating a Total Talent Portfolio
Gathering and Recording Information About Abilities
Standardized Tests and Teacher-Made Tests
Teacher Ratings
Gathering and Recording Information About Student Interests
The Interest-A-Lyzer
Individualization and the Role of Learning Styles
Instructional Styles Preferences
Learning Environment Preferences
Benefits of the Total Talent Portfolio
5. Curriculum Compacting and Differentiation
Curriculum Compacting: Definitions and Steps for Implementation
Defining Curriculum Compacting
How to Use the Compacting Process
Providing Acceleration and Enrichment Options for Talented Students
Rosa: A Sample Compactor Form
Providing Support for Teachers to Implement Compacting: The Steps in Compacting
Enrichment Materials in the Classroom
Assessing Students Interests
Interest Centers
Research on Curriculum Compacting
Advice From Successful Teachers Who Have Implemented Compacting
The Multiple Menu Model: A Guide to In-Depth Learning and Teaching
The Knowledge Menu
Locating the Discipline
Selecting Concepts and Ideas
Selecting Representative Topics
A Final Consideration: Appeal to the Imagination
The Instructional Techniques Menus
The Instructional Products Menu
Interdisciplinary Models
6. Enrichment Learning and Teaching: The Enrichment Triad Model
An Overview of the Enrichment Triad Model and Student Creative Productivity
Learning in a Natural Way
The Importance of Interaction
Type I Enrichment: General Exploratory Experiences
Type II Enrichment: Group Training Activities
Type III Enrichment: Individual and Small Group Investigations of Real Problems
Applying the Enrichment Triad Model to Enrichment Clusters
How Can Teachers Learn to Use Enrichment Teaching?
Applying the Type III Process to Enrichment Clusters
7. Applying the Schoolwide Enrichment Model to Content Areas: The SEM in Reading
Phase 1: Hooking Kids on Literature With Teacher Read-Alouds
Phase 2: Supported Independent Reading and Differentiated Conferences
Phase 3: Interest and Choice Activities
Research on the SEM-R
8. A Dozen Assistants In Your Classroom Implementing SEM by Using a New Online Resource for Enrichment and Differentiation
Step 1: Strength Assessment Using the Electronic Learning Profile (The Total Talent Portfolio Online)
Step 2: Enrichment Differentiation Databases
Step 3: The Wizard Project Maker
Step 4: The Total Talent Portfolio
Renzulli Learning System
The Value-Added Benefits of Learning With Technology
Renzulli Learning: Conclusions
Об авторе
Sally M. Reis is a professor and the department head of the Educational Psychology Department at the University of Connecticut where she also serves as principal investigator of the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. She was a teacher for 15 years, 11 of which were spent working with gifted students on the elementary, junior high, and high school levels. She has authored more than 130 articles, 9 books, 40 book chapters, and numerous monographs and technical reports. Her research interests are related to special populations of gifted and tal-ented students, including: students with learning disabilities, gifted females and diverse groups of talented students. She is also interested in extensions of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model for both gifted and talented students and as a way to expand offerings and provide general enrichment to identify talents and potentials in students who have not been previously identified as gifted. She has traveled extensively conducting workshops and providing profes-sional development for school districts on gifted education, enrichment programs, and talent development programs. She is co-author of The Schoolwide Enrichment Model, The Secondary Triad Model, Dilemmas in Talent Development in the Middle Years, and a book published in 1998 about women’s talent development titled Work Left Undone: Choices and Compromises of Talented Females. Sally serves on several editorial boards, including the Gifted Child Quarterly, and is a past president of the National Association for Gifted Children.