There has been significant growth in the field of nanofluidics, where nanoscale analytical instruments employ micromachined features and are able to manipulate fluid samples with high precision and efficiency and have many advantages over their conventional (larger) analogues.
The new edition of Nanofluidics has been fully revised and updated with the latest advancements and applications. With a focus on bioanalysis, specific applications are given with case studies. The end of each chapter now also features a methodology section to explain experimental protocols and “tips and tricks”.
The editors draw on an international authorship and provide a handbook for the community. Written at an accessible level the book is suitable for both experts and non-experts alike.
Transport of Ions, DNA Polymers, and Microtubules in the Nanofluidic Regime; Electrokinetic Transportand Fluidic Manipulation in Three Dimensional Integrated Nanofluidic Networks; Nanopillars, Nanowires and Nanoballs for DNA and Protein Analysis; Nanofluidic Devices for Electroanalytical Applications; Nanofluidic Strategies for Cancer Research; Nanofluidics for Biomolecular Detection; Silicon Nitride Thin Films for Nanofluidic Device Fabrication; Single Molecule Protein Unfolding Using a Nanopore; Low Noise Nanopore Platforms Optimised for the Synchronised Optical and Electrical Detection of Biomolecules