This new edition of the award-winning guide to the web for nurses is nearly double in size and twice as useful! Expert nurses in more than 50 content areas have carefully selected and reviewed nearly 400 web sites available in their specialty areas — resulting in an authoritative guide to the best the web has to offer for the professional nurse. Each web description includes a summary of the site, intended audience, sponsor, level of information, and relevance to nurses. The book also indicates sites which can be referred to patients.
Guidelines for Browsing the Internet,
Carol A. Romano, Patricia Hinegardener, and Cynthia R. Phyillaier
Part I: Professional Topics
Professional Nursing Organizations, Bette K. Idemoto Nursing Administration, Patricia Hinton Walker Managed Care and Case Management, Erin V. Messett Evidence-Based Practice, Jane H. Barnsteiner and Deborah M. Joers Culturally Competent Care, Antonia M. Villarruel Nursing Informatics, Sarah Farrell and David A. Connor Nursing Education, Kristen S. Montgomery and Laree J. Schoolmeesters Returning to School: Graduate School Resources, Maria Donovan Fitzpatrick and Joyce J. Fitzpatrick Government Resources, Trudy Johnson Health Policy, Stephen J. Cavanaugh and Barbara K. Redman Leadership, Sheila C. Grossman Nursing Outcomes, Gail L. Ingersoll Research and Grant Resources, Kristen S. Montgomery Nursing Theory, Lucinda Farina and Joyce J. Fitzpatrick Nursing Classification Systems, Erin V. Messett Careers in Nursing, Jeanne M. Novotny Nursing Job Sites, Dara B. Walls Writing Resources, Kristen S. Montgomery Fundraising, Joyce J. Fitzpatrick Economics and Financing of Health Care, Patricia W. Stone and Christine R. Curran International Nursing Resources, Kristen S. Montgomery Online Journals, Jean W. Lange Nursing Publishing Companies, Eileen R. OíShea Part II: Clinical Topics
General Health Care Resources, Joan Fleitas Consumer Health Resources, Carol A. Romano, Patricia G. Hinegardner, and Cynthia R. Phyillaier Pharmaceutical Resources, Doris Troth Lippman Physical Assessment, Suzanne Hetzel Campbell Clinical Decision Making, Tener Goodwin Veenema Infants, Children, and Adolescents, Kristen S. Montgomery Women’s Health, Kristen S. Montgomery Older Adults, Meredith Wallace and Kathleen Perfetto Nutrition, Kristen S. Montgomery Pain, Laree J. Schoolmeesters Mental Health, Patricia A. Wilke Critical Care, Laree J. Schoolmeesters Emergency Care, Tener Goodwin Veenema Community Health, Mary K. Bailey Advanced Practice, Emily E. Drake Primary Care, Jennifer Okonsky Palliative Care, Joan T. Panke Diabetes, Jenifer Lasman Heart Disease, Paulette Espina-Gabriel and Hussein Tahan Vascular Disease, Hussein Tahan and Paulette Espina-Gabriel Respiratory Care, Georgia L. Narsavage Genetics, Felissa R. Lashley HIV/AIDS, Carl A. Kirton and Joseph P. Colagreco Cancer, Trudy Johnson and Francoise Juste Maternity, Kristen S. Montgomery Breastfeeding, Kristen S. Montgomery Complementary and Alternative Therapies, Kristen A. Guadalupe Disaster Preparedness, Tener Goodwin Veenema Bioterrorism, Tener Goodwin Veenema Part III: Evaluation Information
Web Sites with Evaluation Guidelines, Gail L. Ingersoll Appendix: Alphabetical Index of Web Sites
Об авторе
Kristen S. Montgomery, Ph D, RNC, IBCLC, is an Assistant Professor of Nursing at The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing.