автор: Jr. Kenneth H. Carter

Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. is resident bishop of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. Along with the Cabinet, he gives pastoral and administrative leadership to almost 800 congregations, fresh expressions of church, campus ministries and outreach initiatives in an episcopal area that stretches from Tallahassee and Jacksonville to Miami and the Keys. He came to the Florida Conference in 2012, following a ministry of almost thirty years in Western North Carolina, twenty-nine as a local church pastor.Bishop Carter is the immediate past-president of the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church, and he was one of three moderators of the Commission on A Way Forward, the commission authorized by the General Conference in matters of unity and human sexuality. He is author of a number of books, most recently Fresh Expressions of People Over Property and Fresh Expressions: A New Kind of Methodist Church (both with Audrey Warren) and Embracing The Wideness: The Shared Convictions of United Methodists. He travels extensively across the state, preaching in local churches and encouraging lay and clergy leaders.Bishop Carter and his wife, Pam have been married for thirty-seven years. Pam is also an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church, and was previously a regional team leader in disaster recovery for the Florida Conference. They are blessed with two adult daughters: Liz lives in Los Angeles, where she is a Ph D. student at U.C.L.A., and Abby is on the staff of Martin Methodist College in Pulaski, Tennessee. Abby and her husband Allen are parents of Paige, the bishop’s granddaughter.The Carters consider it a great blessing to live and serve in Florida.

9 Электронные книги Jr. Kenneth H. Carter

Kenneth H. Jr. Carter: Just in Time! Baptism Services, Sermons, and Prayers
Few services are more important in the life of the congregation than the service of baptism. Part of the Just in Time! series, Baptism Services, Sermons, and Prayers provides prayers, litanies, sermo …
Kenneth H. Jr. Carter: Just in Time! Prayers and Liturgies of Confession and Assurance
In a brief introductory chapter, the author addresses the question of why we need to confess our sins, and offers three reflections in response: Sin as Pride, Sin as Violation of Boundaries, Sin and …
Kenneth H. Jr. Carter: Just in Time! Easter Services, Sermons, and Prayers
Based on the Revised Common Lectionary and broadly ecumenical, this addition to the Just In Time! series provides creative liturgies, sermon helps, and prayers for Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday, and th …
Kenneth H. Carter: The Gifted Pastor
Carter writes a piece which will stir the sympathies of pastors thwarted by their own efforts to emulate a congregation’s successful predecessor. Within months, these pastors see little success as fa …
Kenneth H. Jr. Carter: Near the Cross Large Print
Prayer nurtures our faith and encourages spiritual growth. This thematic Bible study calls individuals and small groups to a deeper life of prayer during the season of Lent. It guides readers to spir …
Kenneth H. Jr. Carter: Converge Bible Studies: Holy Spirit and Community
When the Holy Spirit showed up with power in Acts 2, it’s unlikely many of the believers present in Jerusalem that day had any idea the magnitude of what was in store. The Spirit began building …
Audrey Warren & Kenneth H. Carter: Fresh Expressions
A wave of new Christian churches are emerging to reach unchurched and dechurched people who live in a culture that is increasingly non-religious and multi-religious. These new forms of church gather …
Kenneth H. Carter: Embracing the Wideness
Embracing the Wideness contrasts a generous orthodoxy with the culture wars that seek to drive a wedge between Christians with deep faith convictions. A generous orthodoxy is possible for The United …
Gregory V. Palmer & Hope Morgan Ward: Finding Our Way
Questions and conflict about homosexual practice and the church abound. We encounter media reports of same-gender unions and clergy trials. This leads to talk in congregations and district preacher’s …