John Foley is the founder of the brand agency The Foley
Group. His agency has been providing strategic brand planning,
advertising, and public relations since 1986 for organizations
including Ameriprise Financial, Cargill, Caterpillar, Coca-Cola
USA, Hazelden, Lawson, 3M, Tiffany & Co., United Healthcare,
and the University of Minnesota.
In addition, he is Chief Executive Officer of BALANCEDBRAND LLC,
which provides values-based brand and reputation consultation in
the United States and the United Kingdom. Foley is currently on the
boards of the Carlson Brand Enterprise at the University of
Minnesota, the Minnesota chapter of American Association of
Advertising Agencies, the Design Institute, and the Reputation
Julie Kendrick is a business writer with expertise in the
area of motivation and performance improvement. Her client list
includes Fortune 100 companies in the areas of automotive
manufacturing, pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing, and
2 Электронные книги Julie Kendrick
John Foley & Julie Kendrick: Balanced Brand
Companies usually assume if their sales are good, then their brand and reputation must be strong. But all too often, they don’t have a clear understanding of the values that drive brand and reputatio …
Julie Kendrick: A Grave Matter
Former investigative reporter for a large Chicago newspaper, Meg Smyth moved to the quiet village of Bramble where she now writes a syndicated advice column. She enjoys the pace of small-town life—a …