Об авторе
Dr. K. G. Srinivasa Professor at Dr. SPM IIIT-Naya Raipur. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Bangalore University in 2007. He is the recipient of All India Council for Technical Education—Career Award for Young Teachers, Indian Society of Technical Education—ISGITS National Award for Best Research Work Done by Young Teachers, Institution of Engineers (India)—IEI Young Engineer Award in Computer Engineering, Rajarambapu Patil National Award for Promising Engineering Teacher Award from ISTE—2012, IMS Singapore—Visiting Scientist Fellowship Award. He has published more than 100 research papers in International Conferences and Journals. He has visited many universities abroad as a visiting researcher. He has visited University of Oklahoma, USA, Iowa State University, USA, Hong Kong University, Korean University, National University of Singapore, University of British Columbia, Canada, his few prominent visits. He has authored three textbooks, namely
File Structures Using C++ by TMH,
Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications by LNAI Series—Springer and
Guide to High Performance Computing by Springer. He has edited research monographs in the area of Cyber Physical Systems and Energy Aware Computing with CRC Press and IGI Global, respectively. He has been awarded BOYSCAST Fellowship by DST, for conducting collaborative research with Clouds Laboratory in University of Melbourne in the area of Cloud Computing. He is the principal investigator for many funded projects from AICTE, UGC, DRDO, and DST. He is the senior member of IEEE and ACM. His research areas include data mining, machine learning and cloud computing. His recent research areas include innovative teaching practices in engineering education, pedagogy; outcomes-based education, and teaching philosophy.
Dr. G. M. Siddesh is currently working as associate professor in the Department of Information Science and Engineering, M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. He has published a good number of research papers in reputed international conferences and journals. He is a member of ISTE, IETE, etc. He has authored books on
Network Data Analytics, Statistical Programming in R,
Internet of Things with Springer, Oxford University Press and Cengage publishers, respectively. He has edited research monographs in the area of Cyber Physical Systems, Fog Computing and Energy Aware Computing, Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence for Information Management: A Healthcare Perspective with CRC Press, IGI Global and Springer publishers, respectively. His research interests include Internet of Things, Distributed Computing and Data Analytics.
Dr. S. R. Manisekhar is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Information Science and Engineering, M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. He is a member of ISTE. He has published a good number of research articles and chapters. He has authored a book title Programming with R, Cengage publisher. He has also edited a book title
Statistical Modelling and Machine Learning Principles for Bioinformatics Techniques, Tools, and Applications, Springer, and
Artificial Intelligence for Information Management: A Healthcare Perspective, Springer. He is also an associate editor for
International Journal of End-User Computing and Development. His research interests include Bioinformatics, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Software Engineering.