Prof. Dr. rer.pol. habil. Frank Keuper holds the chair in business administration, especially convergence management and strategic management at Steinbeis University, Berlin. He is also academic head and director of the Sales & Service Research Center (partner of Telekom Shop Vertriebsgesellschaft mb H) and the T-Vertrieb Business School (partner of Telekom Deutschland Gmb H).
Kai-Eberhard Lueg is Chief Financial Officer Global Shared Services of the Siemens AG, München, and heads the global shared accounting organization.
2 Электронные книги Kai-Eberhard Lueg
Frank Keuper & Kai-Eberhard Lueg: Finance Bundling and Finance Transformation
In managerial literature the challenges of ramping-up, growing and enhancing a (Finance) Shared Services Organization are regularly neglected. Therefore, the compilation will address two objectives: …
Thomas M. Fischer & Kai-Eberhard Lueg: Erfolgreiche Digitale Transformation von Shared Services
Shared Service Organisationen (SSOs), die in vielen Unternehmen deren interne Geschäftsprozesse (z. B. Rechnungswesen/Finanzen, Personal, Beschaffung, IT) bündeln und als Dienstleistungen für operati …