2 Электронные книги Kang Kyungsik Kang
Tan Chung-i Tan & Fried Herbert Martin Fried: Elastic And Diffractive Scattering — Proceedings Of The International Conference On Vth Blois Workshop
These proceedings contain descriptions of the latest experiments and results in a variety of hot topics, such as the growth of total cross sections, the ratio of real to imaginary parts of forward sc …
Kim C W Kim & Kang Kyungsik Kang: Particles, Quantum Groups, High Tc, Phase Transitions And All That — Proceedings Of The First Yanbrian International Workshop On Modern Physics
These proceedings are the culmination of the First Yanbian Workshop on Modern Physics, an epoch making event in Korean history that took place in Yanbian, China during 15-18 July, 1990. The meeting w …