Karen Zager, Ph D, received her doctorate from Fordham University and is a psychologist in New York. She focuses on clinical work with a specialization in parenting and adolescence. In 1991, Dr. Zager received the Distinguished Psychologist of the Year Award from the American Psychological Association (APA) Psychologists in Independent Practice division, and in 2000 she received the APA Presidential Citation for contributions to the field of psychology. Dr. Zager is a regular contributor to TV, radio, and print media on parenting and adolescence, having made appearances on ABC, CNN, FOX, and CBS, including programs such as Good Morning America, The Donohue Show, and Sally Jesse Raphael. She has also provided frequent interviews for YM Magazine, USA Today, Girl Magazine, Twist, Cosmo Girl, Parenting, Parent, Ladies Home Journal, Working Mother, and Newsweek.Alice Rubenstein, Ed D is a psychologist in Rochester, NY.
1 Электронные книги Karen M. Zager
Karen M. Zager & Alice K. Rubenstein: The Inside Story on Teen Girls
The Inside Story on Teen Girls reveals expert answers to real questions asked by parents and teen girls. Readers will find the wonderful collection of questions and answers to be like having a person …