This educational handbook displays grassroots experiences of peace, reconciliation, and healing in the Great Lakes region of Africa, in which Burundian, Congolese, and Rwandan authors share their understandings and practices of Memory Work. They committed to do so in a joint Participatory Action Research Team together with German facilitators. The team members ‘opened their archives’ on the traumatizing effects of the severe conflicts that each of these countries experienced. Their learnings and findings from this research process are collected in this book, which aims to resolve remaining tensions resulting from past experiences. Displaying a variety of strategies that lead to a Healing of Memories, it is high time to integrate such discourses into a mainly Western-European-centered scientific community. In this way, the book aims to fill the academic void regarding the German-colonial legacy of violence in the three neighboring countries, which was fueled under colonial rule. As such, this book is central to current discourses on the decolonization of science in terms of authorship, research ethics, and methods.
Healing of Memories.- Memory Work as Participatory Action Research.- Burundi.- Background of the conflicts in the Great Lakes region and implementation of methods for reconciliation and trauma healing using the example of the organization APRED-RGL.- From the challenges to the strengths of the ongoing reconciliation process in Burundi.- Awareness-raising via interactive theater at Gitega commune Bugendana.- Recovering the Wealth of our Humanness.- Rwanda.- The Impact of Grassroots Reconciliation Processes on Healing Wounds among Survivors of the Tutsi Genocide among Tutsi Genocide Survivors and Former Perpetrators in Rwanda.- Grassroots Experience of Memory, Healing, and Reconciliation.- Reconciliation and Healing in the Diocese of the Anglican Church of Rwanda (EAR) Shyogwe.- The Role of the Anglican Church of Rwanda (EAR) Kigeme in Promoting Peace, Unity and Reconciliation through Grass Root Churches.- Flowers of Reconciliation from Umucyo Nyanza Project.- Democratic Republic of the Congo.- From the acoustics of weapons to the guitar, an extraordinary professional retraining.- Youth involvement in the prevention and non-violent resolution of conflicts in Goma city.- Reintegration of vulnerable girls through the Nyota Center in Kadutu (Democratic Republic of Congo).- Peace education by the La Sapientia Catholic University of Goma.- Contribution of the Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL) to peace building in North Kivu.- Annex.
Об авторе
Karin Elinor Sauer, Dr. rer. soc., Dipl.-Päd., Professor of Social Work Theory and Social Work Methods at
DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen.
Dieter Brandes, Rev. Dr. theol. at the
Facultatea de Teologie “Sfântul Andrei Şaguna” in Sibiu-Romania.
Penine Uwimbabazi, Prof. Dr., Vice Chancellor of the
Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS), Huye.
Onésime Nzambimana, general secretary at
Université des Grands Lacs (UGL), Goma.
Mbasa, Prof. Dr., permanent professor at the
Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs-Goma (ULPGL).