автор: Karl Leidlmair

1973-1979 studies in philosophy and psychology 1979 doctorate in philosophy (title of dissertation: Die hermeneutischen Grundlagen Wittgensteins) 1990 Habilitation (habilitation treatise: Künstliche Intelligence und Heidegger) 1990 bis 1994 (co)Director of International Summer Schools In Philosophy And Artificial Intelligence, Bozen/Italy 1993-1996 research assistent at IFF (Institute for interdisciplinary studies in technology at the universities of Innsbruck, Klagenfurt and Vienna). 1.October 1997 Associate Professor at the institute of psychology university Innsbruck 1.10.2008 Head of the department of the institute of psychology Homepage: www.leidlmair.at

2 Электронные книги Karl Leidlmair

Karl Leidlmair: After Cognitivism
There is a basic perplexity in our times. On the one hand, we ?nd a blind trust in technology and rationalism. In our neo-liberalistically dominated world only what can be rapidly exploited and …